Gemini Season Is Here — It Promises To Be Spectacular

Every year, we hear bad things about Gemini Season. People say it’s a time of duplicity, dualism, and erraticism, and that it has a trickster nature, but that isn’t true. If you go to the core of Gemini Season, you’ll see that the energy is vibrant, humorous, and clever. Gemini Season is when we are at our freest, and people are more open and less judgy. And, this year, May 20 to June 20 promises to be spectacular.

Tarot reader Blue June sums up Gemini Season by saying: “Not unlike how the earth thaws after winter, so do our social tendencies. Thus, by the time Gemini Season begins and the warm-up is complete, we find ourselves utterly flawless in conversation. Mercury rules communication and intellect, which shows during this season in all social aspects of our lives. Prepare to navigate the party with expertise!” 

And the party season won’t be the only thing we are navigating. During the last month of spring, we’ll also want to complete tasks. While we’ll put the additional work in projects, it’s essential not to hurry. After all, haste makes waste. It’s better to put the extra hours into ventures to ensure everything is completed with care. Geminis are known for their attention to detail, so utilize that vibe. Precision and methodology is key.

The dual nature of Gemini Season also has advantages, giving us the opportunity to change our opinions. We can see situations, friendships, and partnerships from a different perspective. As the constellation is the twins, we can understand and accept other viewpoints — even if we oppose them. We don’t have to be rigid and can welcome new insights and ideology. The acceptance level is high, which can bring different people together.   

There are many critical astrological dates this month. 

On May 20, the sun enters Gemini, heightening our desire for 24/7 communication, IRL face-time with friends, and endless fun. 

On May 23, the full moon in Sagittarius rises, allowing us to explore different philosophies and challenge our value systems. Later in the day, Venus moves into Gemini, allowing us to choose intellectualism in romantic endeavors. 

Lucky planet Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25, expanding our social network by finding the people we connect with most to be a part of our crew. 

Informative and inquisitive Mercury flies into Gemini on June 3, gathering news and information to buzz around our ears. 

On June 4, the sun and Venus unite in Gemini, creating the annual connection of the two planets. This aspect is called a Venus Star Point (a term coined by the astrologer Arielle Guttman), and it gives us a chance to explore our emotions and let them be known. The same day, Mercury and Jupiter link up in Gemini, pushing us to examine such relationships and evoking our hunger for knowledge. 

June 14 brings the sun and Mercury together in Gemini, forming an astrological aspect called “cazimi,” which translates to “heart of the sun.” It’s a potent time to plan for the future, sign contracts, and forge partnerships.

Mercury and Venus swim into Cancer on June 17, adding sensitivity, intuition, and tenderness to the forefront of our thoughts and hearts. Mercury and Venus also come together on this same date to deliver refinement and peace to our lives.

The weeks ahead will be supercharged with Gemini energy — from the sun to Mercury to Venus to Jupiter. However, Saturn and Neptune’s presence in Pisces will sometimes bring tension. Saturn might dwell or be insecure, and Neptune can evoke lethargy or uncertainty. As long as we believe in ourselves and our visions, we can shake off these negative sensations and use the higher vibration of these planets, adding determination or discipline from Saturn and inspiration or dreaminess from Neptune. 

Days to watch out for are:

June 8: Venus squares Saturn, hindering our finances.

June 9: The sun shares a tense moment with Saturn, affecting our self-esteem.

June 10: Mercury harshly connects with Saturn, limiting our ability to communicate.

June 16: Venus clashes with Neptune, enhancing our fantasies.

June 17: Mercury and Neptune confront each other, boosting our imagination.

June 20: The sun and Neptune collide, making daydreaming seem like it’s part of our routine.

All the mutable and airy planets may heighten anxiety. If you or someone you know is overwhelmed, checking in with others is vital to get or give support. Reach out for a friendly shoulder to lean on, and don’t be afraid to express yourself. Most importantly, practice kindness, compassion, patience, and empathy. Pay the generosity forward by being nice to others after receiving TLC. Spread the love!

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

Your May Horoscope Is Here

Taurus Season Is Here

Your Horoscope This Week: May 12 To 18

Welcome to Money Diaries where we are tackling the ever-present taboo that is money. We’re asking real people how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we’re tracking every last dollar.

This week: a sound mixer who makes $65,000 per year and spends some of her money this week on Fujifilm.

Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up Money Diary. You can read the previous diary here.

Occupation: Sound mixer
Industry: TV/media
Age: 29
Location: New York, NY
Salary: $65,000
Assets: Checking account: $5,211; HYSA: $34,118; Barclays UK bank account: $460; cryptocurrency: $130; Various ETFs: $24,686; Roth IRA: $46,856; Vanguard brokerage account: $92,180.
Debt: $0
Paycheck Amount: This can vary from $0 to $15,000 monthly.
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Monthly Housing Costs: $2,225. I live in a fifth floor walk-up, one bedroom in the East Village with views of a park (rare for Lower Manhattan).
All Other Monthly Expenses:
Utilities: $50 for gas and electric.
Renter’s Insurance: $13.92
Health Insurance: In between right now, so $0.
Spotify Duo (I split this with my boyfriend): $14.99
New York Times Digital Subscription: $4
Classpass: $51.21
Hulu: $0.99 (got that Black Friday deal!)
Mubi: $8.95
Regal Unlimited Pass: $23.99

Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
Yes, almost all of my family worked in education, so it was expected. There was no question about my going to college and I felt like I was pushed into going to a private college. It cost over $250,000 for four years. I have very generous godparents who, when I was a baby, told my parents that they would cover my college education. This covered most of it — I had maybe $15,000 in student debt by my last year of college. My grandfather kindly paid that off so I graduated debt free. While I’m extremely grateful, I don’t believe in United States’ overpriced higher education system and more often than not I don’t believe many higher educations are worth their current prices, at least here in the USA.

Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent(s)/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
I had very few conversations about money with my parents. The only financial advice they gave me was to invest in real estate, which they did at just the right time. They bought a couple places for $40,000-$100,000 in the ’90s that are now worth almost $1million each. My father makes his living off rentals now. As inspiring as this was growing up and even now, it’s hard to imagine I will ever be able to buy here in NYC or even back home, given the soaring real estate prices since. It puts me in a sad headspace sometimes.

What was your first job and why did you get it?
My first job was doing admin work at my middle school over the summer and I got it for spending money.

Did you worry about money growing up?
I never really worried about money, but I did enjoy saving in my Pikachu piggy bank.

Do you worry about money now?
A little bit. The last year and a half has been really rough in my industry, with the union strikes, AI and other things affecting TV and media across all the boards, hence my stagnant income. But I know I’ll always be okay, due to my saving habits.

At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
My godparents still pay for my cell phone and internet plan so if that counts as financially dependent I guess I still am. However, I am capable of paying for it myself. I probably would say I was more or less financially independent in my eyes at about 24. My financial safety net is my savings and my investments. I also think my family would have my back financially if I were in dire straits.

Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
Yes. To be completely upfront, I feel very grateful and my family’s help is a big reason I’m not financially stressed. My godparents and grandfather were kind enough to pay for my bachelor’s degree so I have no debt. My grandfather helped me pay my rent for my first two years in New York (probably $20,000-$30,000 worth) and has also given me about $40,000 in the last five years. My godparents also told me they are going to start giving me money from a trust, which is incredibly kind of them. That amounts to $20,000 a year. They are so incredibly kind and I am extremely grateful for them — they are the only reason I don’t feel as if I am just scraping by. I admit that my family is the only reason I’m as comfortable as I am now. I know a lot of people don’t like this and I totally understand why.

Day One

6:15 a.m. — Alarm wakes me up early and it’s a rainy, gloomy day out. Today is a shoot day, so I will be on set most of the day. I shuffle out of bed, trying not to wake my boyfriend, G., who slept over last night, and start making coffee which I sip as I browse Reddit before getting dressed and ready.

7:30 a.m. — Out the door and into an Uber to Park Slope. I take a lot of rides expensed by production because I don’t have a car but I need bring a lot of gear to work for my job. On the ride over, my sister lets me know she’s paid me back the money I lent her for rent last month (my sister struggles a lot with financial management). It’s a relief because with my sister, I never know if I will get it back or not. $36.31 (Expensed)

8 a.m. — Arrive on set and greet the crew I’m working with today. I’m freelance so I do different shoots every day. It’s been a while since I worked with this team (work has been slow in the film and TV industry the last couple years) and I’m happy to see some familiar faces. This week, I’m shooting a few days on a dog food commercial. Each day we’re following around a different dog and their “paw-rent” (sorry, had to). Today’s subject is a pug puppy named after a particularly delicious fruit. I chew a sandwich that the producer has kindly made to make sure we have something for breakfast (I’m vegan and on-set food isn’t always an option for me so I’m grateful to have something to eat).

9 a.m. — We set up for the first few shots and start rolling. The puppy is chowing down on his food while her owner talks about why she likes it. Pup is thrilled to be getting so much food!

10 a.m. — I get a text that the shoot day I was meant to work in two days has been cancelled. It’s a bummer, but I know there will be another soon enough. It was a documentary that I have been working on for the past few months. It’s a really good concept and the other shows I’ve done for the production company went on to do well, so I’m hoping this documentary gets picked up and gains the same traction.

11 a.m. — We shoot a testimonial interview with the pug’s owner about why she loves the dog food so much. Pug has to be put in the bedroom and is intermittently rapping angrily on the bedroom door to remind us of her presence.

12 p.m. — We continue on to various shots of pug puppy happily eating treats and running around in a top hat and bow tie. As we do this, I make some notes for what sound effects to get before we wrap (we do this because sometimes the microphone can’t get close enough to the sound effects for it to sound good because of the framing/angle of the shot — it sounds a lot better). I continue to record for reference.

2 p.m. — Break for lunch. I get a cauliflower pita with hummus and I wolf it down because I am starving!

3 p.m. — Back in and we’re filming some magic tricks with the puppy.

3:30 p.m. — I separate from the rest of the crew and set up for some foley sound (sound effects) of the dog kibble pouring into the bowl.

4:30 p.m. — I am wrapped! I pack up and head out. It’s still pouring and I hop in an Uber with my gear back to Manhattan. I am WIPED. I call G. in the Uber home and we chat logistics for a shoot he’s on tomorrow (he is also a sound mixer) and he plans to swing by mine tonight pick up an extra headset. $52.69 (Expensed)

5:30 p.m. — Finally get home after a hectic and rainy rush hour. I greet my own pup and hop in the shower.

6 p.m. — Finally in pajamas and relaxed, ahh. I heat up some tomato soup and make a grilled cheese sandwich as my dog and I listen to the giant thunderstorm outside. So cozy. I eat some Lindt chocolates from my Lindt stash (hot tip — if you’re near a Lindt store, you can get 150 Lindts in a “sharing tote” and it costs only $55).

6:30 p.m. — I read my book, Wonderful Town, which is a collection of short stories about New York city life set over the past 100 years, curated by The New Yorker editor David Remnick. Good stuff.

7:30 p.m. — I step out to walk my dog in the rain — we just walk a few blocks for her to pee as it’s still pouring.

8:30 p.m. — I put my batteries on to charge for my shoot tomorrow and watch Enough Said with James Gandolfini (his last film ever and released posthumously — so sad) and Julia Louis-Dreyfus (great crossover). I enjoy it but I seem to have this ADD problem the rest of my generation has where I want to watch a movie but end up scrolling Instagram the whole time.

11:30 p.m. — I finally go to bed! Sweet dreams.

Daily Total: $0

Day Two

6:30 a.m. — Wake up and lay in bed, pondering the meaning of life.

7 a.m. — I get out of bed, make some coffee (with the brown sugar oat creamer from Trader Joe’s — so good). G. drops by to grab a headset and then I climb back in bed and watch some Katy Bellotte on YouTube (she’s in London visiting her boyfriend’s family and I’m from London originally so this feels quite homey).

8 a.m. — I get dressed to walk my dog and we toodle around the block. I call my sister during our walk and we catch up on her newest adventures — meeting up with a potential sugar daddy she met online to pay the bills. Oh, the things our generation does to get by.

9:15 a.m. — I head out to today’s shoot with my gear. The shoot is in Manhattan and requires less gear, so I hop on the subway with my pre-paid balance.

10 a.m. — I arrive at work on the Upper West Side. Today’s shoot is for a high-end department store in New York City. We’re featuring a famous jewelry designer whose line they carry. We get to work loading in and setting up the first shot.

11 a.m. — Shoot an interview with the jewelry designer in their apartment overlooking Broadway and then walk over to Lincoln Center for some B-roll of them wearing the department store’s clothing with their jewelry.

1 p.m. — Wrapped and headed out. I hop on the subway downtown (using my pre-paid balance), excited to enjoy the rest of my free day!

1:30 p.m. — I get home and immediately make pasta with tofu and broccoli for lunch and then get to work uploading the audio from today’s shoot.

2:30 p.m. — Eat my lunch while browsing Reddit and then I send off my invoice for today.

3:30 p.m. — Finish up uploading today’s audio while looking up ways to relieve face tension. I’ve been holding so much tension in my face and I feel like my face is getting smile lines from it. It stresses me out. In reality, I think I just look sad. I end up in bed with my dog listening to lo-fi and reading some of my book.

5:30 p.m. — Getting kinda down so I decide to walk the two miles to my Classpass class in Midtown. I call G. on the way and we decide I’ll spend the night at his tonight (I’ve been having a bit of an anxious episode). I pass by the building his shoot is in, overlooking Union Square, and we wave at each other (me from the ground and him four flights up).

6:30 p.m. — I get to class feeling anxious and not ready to dance/meditate/yoga/whatever this class is going to be with a bunch of strangers. Usually I’m not anxious before these things (and in retrospect it’s because I didn’t eat enough).

7:30 p.m. — Class is amazing. It’s a mix of breathwork, intuitive dance and yoga. Thoroughly needed and helps with my anxiety so much.

8 p.m. — I hop on an uptown train to match up with G. on his way to from work. Pup is in a backpack on his back (he stopped at mine on the way out of work and picked her up). I don’t know what I did to deserve him.

9 p.m. — We arrive back at G.’s, rinse off and make tacos for dinner. I feel better just being at his apartment. He lives uptown, and his apartment feels a lot more spacious and more like a “home” than my downtown one. We listen to some Spanish music (he is Hispanic and has great taste in music) and we fall asleep soon after.

Daily Total: $0

Day Three

8 a.m. — Wake up at G.’s, we rise and make coffee while chit chatting. G. makes us some tempeh BLTs for breakfast which are delish.

10 a.m. — We are heading out to the park when the entire building starts shaking. G. thinks its a water pipe bursting (his apartment was flooded a month ago) and hurries us out. I know from experiencing an earthquake in Mexico a couple months ago (not serious, they’re very blasé about them there), that that is exactly what it is. While outside, we call some friends to confirm that they too felt the shaking and it turns out New York has experienced one of the strongest earthquakes it’s ever had.

10:30 a.m. — We head to the park (perk of being in upper Manhattan is actual space and grass!) and I play ball with the pup while G. makes a family friend phone call. She mutilates the ball and loves it.

11 a.m. — We hop on the train downtown. I stop at the bodega on my home and grab a can of Diet Coke (I plan on doing some serious spring refreshing of my apartment today and need the stamina). $1.56

12 p.m. — We arrive at my apartment and heat up some of the tofu broccoli pasta I made for our lunch. I add some vegan Field Roast sausage and avocado to spice it up.

1 p.m. — G. heads out to go rock climbing. I scroll Reddit, read about the earthquake and eat the remains of a dark chocolate bunny I have from Easter. It’s the head. I hate eating the head. As a vegan it’s conflicting to eat animal-shaped food but he tastes very good.

2 p.m. — I finish my book, Wonderful Town, on the sofa. I must be ADD because I can’t always concentrate on every detail, yet I enjoyed it anyway.

3 p.m. — I start browsing film stocks. I’ve got into film photography recently (I bought a Contax G2 earlier in the year). I end up buying several rolls of film at B&H — three rolls of Fujifilm 200, two rolls of Kodak UltraMax 400, and a roll of Kodak T-Max 400 Black and white just for fun. $53.96

3:30 p.m. — I do a 10-minute abdominal workout to get me going before I brace myself and begin my closet clean out.

5:30 — Clean out mostly done! It was pretty intense and I still have a small pile of random things I’m not sure what to do with on my living room floor but I’ll figure that out in a wee bit. I head to my bed to sit down for a sec and watch some YouTube.

6 p.m. — I’m sitting in bed chilling with the heated mattress pad, eating some more pasta and watching some Chelsea Callahan on YouTube when an aftershock from the earthquake hits! Not as severe as the one this morning but still. What the heck is happening today?

7 p.m. — Eat a mint chocolate Nugo protein bar as a snack and watch some Tess Christine on YouTube.

8 p.m. — I walk my dog around Noho and G. meets up with us and because it’s a warm, nice night out, we walk around the village and Soho for a couple miles before heading home.

10 p.m. — Home. We chat, snuggle and go to bed!

Daily Total: $55.52

Day Four

6:30 a.m. — Early wake-up — I’ve got the dog food commercial again today. I drink some coffee and scroll Reddit before getting dressed.

7:30 a.m. — Hop in an Uber to the Upper East Side. $33.28 (Expensed)

8 a.m. — Arrive at the location, greet the crew and paw-rent/doggo duo we’re filming today — an elderly golden Labrador and his owner! Oh, to be a dog living with a single woman in a multi-million dollar apartment by Central Park.

10 a.m. — We shoot an interview with his owner about his eating habits, why she likes the food, and so on.

11:30 a.m. — Some of the lady’s grandkids come by to shoot some B-roll with doggo and owner.

1 p.m. — We break for lunch. I got a chickpea tuna sandwich on some delicious bread from Daily Provisions. 10/10. I really appreciate these producers always making sure there is a vegan option.

2 p.m. — Producer, the director of cinematography, assistant camera, doggo, owner and I head out to shoot B-roll in Central Park. It’s a beautiful day and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. We shoot some portraits and B-roll of them walking around.

3 p.m. — We head back and set up for product shots of the food and doggo eating.

5 p.m. — Wrapped and out! I jump in an Uber and head home; G. invites me out tonight, but I’m getting up early again tomorrow so I let him know I’ll see how I feel. $35.86 (Expensed)

5:30 p.m. — I get home, greet my pup and rinse off. Then make some avocado toast with a chocolate mint protein bar because I really don’t feel like cooking this second and pretty much jump straight into bed to relax.

6:30 p.m. — G. and I get into a relationship discussion. He is the sweetest person ever and offers to bring me dinner (he made Mexican) food but I told him I needed to do some things by myself — otherwise what am I good for? G. and I used to live together, then broke up and he moved out. We are trying again months later after realizing we were each other’s “one” but one of the things I need to work on is taking space for myself (I am the type of person that no matter who I’m with I need alone time sometimes) and I’ve noted we have been spending 90% of our nights together lately. I love him so much so setting that boundary has been hard, but we both want it to work in the long run so it’s important to make sure we have that boundary in place.

8 p.m. — I feel more clarity and relief than I’ve felt in a while after talking to G. and I walk my dog longer than normal tonight — we take a 30-minute walk to the East River where we play in the giant baseball field. She loves playing with a twig. We play for awhile and then loop back.

9:30 p.m. — We get home, I rinse off and hop into bed.

Daily Total: $0

Day Five

6 a.m. — Awake. I get up, make an iced coffee and crawl back into bed to drink it while waking up.

7:30 a.m. — I pack some fresh batteries and head out in an Uber to work. Last day of the week, woohoo! $35.99 (Expensed)

8 a.m. — Arrive at work and we are greeting by an excitable, elderly chihuahua and his owner.

10 a.m. — We shoot an interview with owner, then some B-roll of owner and chihuahua together.

12 p.m. — We step out to Riverside Park to shoot some B-roll of the chihuahua and owner frolicking among a backdrop of cherry blossoms.

1 p.m. — Lunch! I eat a delicious cauliflower shawarma with tahini.

2 p.m. — The rest of my day is pretty chill, as there isn’t much audio. The crew sets up for product shots as we pass around the chihuahua (he loves to be held but is, unfortunately, extremely gassy). We have one producer who is a saint and holds him for quite a while.

3 p.m. — The chihuahua strikes some poses in some flashy outfits (he has a whole wardrobe).

4:30 p.m. — Camera wrap! I give my SD card to the assistant camera to offload. It’s our last day shooting and there are a ton of dog foods and treats leftover. As we pack up, one of the producers gives me a bunch to bring home to my dog (so kind!). I know she’ll love them.

5 p.m. — I finish packing up, thank the producers and say bye to the team and head out. I call an Uber and relax and gaze out at the stunning weather on the entire ride home. $50.82 (Expensed)

6 p.m. — Finally get home, drop my gear, leash up my dog and head outside because it is absolutely stunning out. We walk to the local park and everyone is soaking up the sun, including my dog who finds her favorite bench and basks. I call G., who is waiting in line to pick up solar eclipse glasses (there’s a solar eclipse tomorrow!) in midtown. Unfortunately the line is crazy and he has to be at a friend’s recital soon, so our chances of finding glasses are getting smaller and smaller.

7:20 p.m. — I lay in bed contemplating if I should order dinner or not (when I get home from a long day of work the last thing I want to do is cook and clean). I cave and order Beatnic (RIP, By Chloe). $43.33

7:30 p.m. — While I’m at it, I top up my transit card balance. I try to do no-spend days and since I’m already spending today, I may as well #logic. $20

8 p.m. — Food arrives (quinoa taco burrito, peanut crunch salad and mac and “cheez”) and it’s time to throw down. I go to bed soon afterwards.

Daily Total: $63.33

Day Six

7 a.m. — I lay in bed, feeling at peace with the fact that the only thing I have to really do today is clean and watch the solar eclipse.

8:15 a.m. — I organize and clean all my microphones, mic packs and cables from the last few days and put them away.

8:45 a.m. — I take my pup for a walk through Noho. It is a beautiful sunny and warm day. I call my sister for a chat. Sugar daddy situation seems going well — he paid for a few new outfits and a sushi dinner with her friend.

9:30 a.m. — I get home and send off an invoice for the dog food commercial, brush my own doggo’s teeth and clean up around the apartment.

10:30 a.m. — I do a mobility and ab workout. Gotta stay “toned, tanned, fit, and ready” (quoting Katy Perry) — just kidding, I just like to feel good in my own body.

11:30 a.m. — Discuss the technicals with a colleague for a potential job coming up (BTS for a fashion show next week).

12 p.m. — I start a new book Girl, Woman, Other by Bernardine Evaristo.

12:30 p.m. — Get dressed to head down to meet G. for the eclipse. I head down with my film camera out and snap a bunch of film pics of lower Manhattan in its beautiful spring prime. I stop at REI to look at some Hokas on the way. I’ve been thinking about them for a while and I think it’s time to pull the trigger.

2 p.m. — Arrive at Battery Park City on the Hudson River overlooking the Statue of Liberty and secure a spot in the grass. I get a text that I’m booked for the fashion shoot next week. I lay out a blanket and read a little bit. G. is picking up vegan burgers and fries for a pre-eclipse picnic (I zelle him for my half). It could not be more stunning out. $23

3 p.m. — G. arrives and we chow down and catch up on the last few days of work, life, and events. He got glasses so we can watch the eclipse! It’s pretty cool, but as it turns out 90% coverage is still quite light outside. It just felt like there was a light blue tint over everything.

4 p.m. — We have to find a bathroom so we stop in a nearby mall to pee and then go explore a little bit. We find a new pier we haven’t been to before and sit on a swinging bench overlooking downtown to read our respective books in the sun for a bit. Then we stop at an abandoned soccer pitch on the same pier and kick around a soccer ball. I take some film pics of the lower Manhattan skyline from the pier and G. playing soccer (he has great legs for it, I must say).

5 p.m. — It’s getting a little cold and neither of us are dressed for it so we slowly start the couple mile trek through Tribeca, West Village and into the East Village to mine, which we don’t mind because it is absolutely stunning out.

6 p.m. — G. stops at Whole Foods on the way home to grab some ingredients for a lentil bolognese for dinner while I head home to check on pup and sit down for a sec.

7 p.m. — G. prepares dinner (he’s an incredible chef and enjoys cooking). I break my rule and zelle him for groceries (I told him I wasn’t zelle-ing him for anything under $10 anymore because I would get so particular over everything and zelle for even the tiniest thing). But he mentioned splitting the groceries and I didn’t want him to take the whole cost alone. $6

9 p.m. — Dinner is delicious. Unrelated, we watch the follow-up episode of Quiet on Set (the docu-series about Nickelodeon kids being exploited) and go into a Drake Bell conspiracy black hole before falling asleep.

Daily Total: $29

Day Seven

8 a.m. — G. and I wake up, lounge around a little.

9 a.m. — We get up, shower, start making breakfast. G. makes a lentil olive tapenade topped by a tofu filet soaked in black salt (gives the tofu an egg taste) on Dave’s Bread. I’m lucky to have a partner who is good at improvising in and out of the kitchen.

10 a.m. — We head out for a walk with the dog. I drop off the roll of film I shot yesterday to get developed at my local photo store and then we go to the park and sit on a bench for awhile and bask in the lovely weather. $19.59

12 p.m. — We drop off doggo at my apartment and head over to a café where I plan to work on a social documentary I’m working on. End up at Stuytown Café which has a stunning patio outside in what feels like a college like campus in the East Village (this is rare in Lower Manhattan). I get an oat milk cappuccino and begin work on my doc. $7.48

2 p.m. — I’m really into editing when my laptop dies prematurely and so I read a little bit of my book at the café. I then step out into the sun and call my sister for a bit. I head home shortly after.

3 p.m. — I get home, plug in my laptop, draw my blackout curtains, and continue to chug away at editing. I’m so close, just a few little tweaks and I’m done with the final cut!

5 p.m. — I wrap up the editing for the day and put on a a pumpkin butter face mask from Lush, followed by a long shower.

6 p.m. — I end up on looking at new camera straps (my current one is a little thin and uncomfortable. I end up buying one on Amazon that looks thick and comfy. $13.44

7 p.m. — I started the film How to Have Sex on Mubi ages ago when I was in Mexico and it only just recently became available in the US so I finish it. I have to admit, I wasn’t too keen on the first two thirds but the last third is quite good.

8 p.m. — I take my dog on her evening walk. Golly, it is hot today. This reminds me I want to not be in the city this summer. But boy, am I glad I’m here.

Daily Total: $40.51

The Breakdown

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A Week In Vancouver Island On A $92,000 Salary

A Week In Chicago On A $225,000 Salary

A Week In Philadelphia, PA On A $90,000 Salary


Welcome to one of the most magical weeks of 2024! After last week’s Taurus cazimi, we’re being catapulted into a new world on the 20th when the sun enters Gemini and lightens up the cosmos significantly after a period of profound earth energy. Gemini Season will help us be more open-minded, free-spirited, and intellectual, making this an ideal time to spread your wings and fly — literally or metaphorically. What adventures have you been seeking to embark on? Now’s the time to make them happen. 

On the 23rd, the Sagittarius full moon lights up the skies and adds fiery, dynamic, and optimistic vibes to the cosmos, reminding us to shoot our shot and visualize it entering the net before it actually occurs. Our collective powers of manifestation deepen around  this time, which will accelerate our evolution on a personal, political, and universal level. We can bring forth the change we seek, particularly if we had set intentions six months ago during the Sag new moon. Whatever we asked for or set into motion then is likely to come full circle this week. 

But wait — there’s more! The highlight of this week is Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini on May 25. This is a 13-month transit, and having Jupiter conjoin with the sun in Gemini opens up the door for vibrant new possibilities within and around us over the course of the next year. Jupiter in Gemini helps you break out of your comfort zone and take greater leaps of faith. It encourages us to tap into the power of community rather than being overly individualistic. And most importantly, Jupiter in Gemini wants us to have fun, consistently and as a norm. It’s time to view the world as our playground. Are you down? 

Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.


Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, having Mars in your sign these past few weeks has illuminated you to yourself, and the recent conjunction between Mars and the north mode in Aries is empowering you to be your best self. The Sag full moon on the 23rd lights up your sector of travel, expansion, higher education, media, and publishing, so if you’ve been focused on ventures that have to do with these themes these past six months, you’ll notice them manifesting beautifully this week. Celebrate your growth and get ready for more. 

Speaking of more, Jupiter enters Gemini on the 25th, and this 13-month transit activates your sector of communication and creativity. After a rather practical Jupiter in Taurus transit that had you focused on obtaining material security, you’re now ready to celebrate and reap the rewards of all your hard work and dedication. Now’s the time to brainstorm ways you can expand your education, either through formal schooling or through viewing the world as your oyster and putting yourself out there more consistently. Get clear on what your inner child wants and make it a priority to offer them that, time and time again. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, this is a bittersweet week for you because Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, leaves your sign on the 25th after being there for the past 13 months. Jupiter in Taurus taught you to put yourself first and get clear on what your deepest values are, while making sure you’re living in alignment with them. But what’s exciting about Jupiter’s entrance in Gemini is that it’ll activate your sector of money and security, and the combination of the Sun and Jupiter conjoining in Gemini will help you be more optimistic and open-minded when it comes to finding ways to manifest abundance from various streams of income. 

The Sag full moon takes place this week as well, on the 23rd, and we’ll be feeling its energy all week long. This occurs in your sector of outside resources or “other people’s money,” further activating your desire to secure generational wealth. The key to doing this is to be aware of what your deepest limiting beliefs are. Write them down on a piece of paper and burn away the paper — as the paper burns, envision your blockages and fears being simultaneously burnt away. You are reborn. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, it’s your time to shine! Not only is it officially your birthday season, but a brilliant Sag full moon strikes on the 23rd in your sector of relationships, helping you burn away any fears or insecurities you’ve felt regarding who you can trust and why. You see more clearly now, and you’re able to trust yourself and enjoy the relationship you’re cultivating with your own self, and others too. The theme of freedom becomes even more important to you this week — you want to break free from societal constraints or limitations and allow yourself to fly free. 

The universe will respond to your desire once Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, enters your sign on the 25th, where it remains for the next 13 months. The last time Jupiter was in your sign was 12 years ago, so think back to where you were in your life back then and get ready for a level-up in ways that surpass your expectations. You know better now, and you’re doing better for yourself. Spend the weekend writing down a list of everything you’re grateful for, and get ready to receive the double portion of blessings. Happy solar return! 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, this is an astrologically potent full moon week, and since you’re ruled by the moon you’ll be tuned into the shifts more than most. The Sag full moon strikes on the 23rd in your sector of health and service, encouraging you to be physically active, get out of your feelings, and be more in your body. Just make sure to not overdo it, because the combo of the Sag moon and Gemini sun could easily burn you out if you push yourself too hard. 

On the 25th, Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, enters Gemini for a 13-month stay. This auspicious transit activates your sector of spirituality and healing, which will feel like a paradox for you, because Gemini energy is typically associated with being social and fun-loving. But you’ll actually be encouraged to be more introspective and spiritually attuned during this transit. Spend the weekend writing down the wounds that you have been wanting to heal — now is the time to take your healing journey more seriously, while also remaining light-hearted about it all, if that makes sense. Accept your contradictions and ride it all out with grace. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, this week’s full moon in Sag activates your sector of fate, true love, youth, and creativity, meaning one thing: it’s time to let yourself play, dance, kiss, create, and make love! You’ll be reflecting on the new moon intentions you set during Sag Season six months ago regarding pursuing your most adventurous ambitions. How’s that working out for you? There’s always time to start a new hobby or pursue a passion that’s been on your mind these past six months. 

Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini in your sector of friendship, tech, and social networks will help you do this these next 13 months because it will connect you with fellow visionaries, revolutionaries, and artists who want to put their craft out there with the spirit of play and community. Now is the time to not be overly focused on your own needs, but truly tap into the needs and rhythm of the collective. Prepare to be a pioneer in several political and entrepreneurial missions this next year. We need your light more than ever! 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, get ready to let go of anything that you’ve been clinging on to due to fear of change. This week’s Sag full moon activates your sector of home, roots, and the past, and this indicates that something you’ve been grappling with in your domestic sector ever since November 2023 is likely to come to a close, and you may have to undergo a period of mourning as you end that chapter. Feel the feels and don’t run away from what comes up as you feel them. You’re in a period of purging and preparing for a cosmic reset. 

That reset occurs on the 25th when Jupiter, the Planet of Luck, shifts into your fellow Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini for the next 13 months. You felt comfortable during Jupiter’s transit in Taurus, as it encouraged you to take a gradual approach to redefining yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone. Now that Jupiter in Gemini is activating your sector of career over the course of the next year, you’ll feel both nervous and excited at the possibility of completely switching up your career path in favor of something that may be less predictable, but ultimately more liberating and rewarding. Trust your instincts as you take the leap. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, this week’s Sag full moon on the 23rd activates your sector of communication, so don’t be surprised if you’re way more social and extroverted this week. Your ruler Venus’ presence in Taurus helps you pace yourself as you express yourself, but you’re definitely feeling a strong desire to let the world know where you stand, either through your art, your entrepreneurial endeavors, or your social media profiles. 

Then on the 25th, Jupiter, the Planet of Abundance, shifts into your fellow air sign of Gemini for a 13-month stay. This activates your sector of expansion, media, publishing, higher education, and long journeys. If you’ve been wanting to go on a long-distance trip or dream vacation, chances are high that you’ll embark on that journey between now and June 2025. Spend the weekend brainstorming and creating a vision board for which destinations you’d like to explore and which business ventures you’re seeking to launch. It’s go time. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, this is one of the most exciting weeks, financially speaking. On the 23rd the Sag full moon lights up the skies and activates your sector of money and self-esteem. If you’ve been seeking a promotion or are ready to launch a product, this full moon energy is likely to help you manifest your goals with ease. The key is to practice gratitude for what you already have before asking the universe for more, while also remaining open to receiving what you asked for — or better. What you desire most is likely to come to you the moment you decide to let go of your need to have it. 

If you’re still working on mastering the art of healthy detachment, Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini on the 25th will aid you on that journey these next 13 months. Jupiter the Planet of Abundance, activates your sector of outside resources and other people’s money. This is helping you think more expansively and intellectually regarding what wealth really means to you and how you’d like to attract and sustain it. Spend this weekend creating a game plan that helps you feel more confident about wealth-management rather than getting overwhelmed by all this new energy entering your life. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, ready for your epic full moon taking place on the 23rd? This lunation connects you back to the Sag new moon intentions you set in November 2023. Think back to where you were back then and what you wanted to bring forth in your life. While it has been a slower than usual manifestation period due to your ruler Jupiter spending its final stretch in the earth sign of Taurus, this full moon energy is likely to help your dreams come to life with greater speed and optimism. 

One of the biggest reasons why this will occur is due to Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini on the 25th. This 13-month transit activates your sector of marriage and partnership, meaning that you’ll make even more progress on your goals if you strategically partner with people with whom you feel vibrationally aligned. You’ll also attract much more romantic attention during this transit (whether you’re single or coupled), and you’ll have to practice discernment so as to not be overwhelmed or distracted by all this energy. Whew — what a time to be a Sag! 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, this week’s Sag full moon has you treating yourself and others with greater compassion, as your sector of spirituality and closure is activated. You may feel the need to retreat from spaces or relationships that are overly stimulating, so try not to put too much on your plate this week as it’s an emotionally-charged time and you could easily start to feel anxious. Find ways to ground your body during Jupiter’s final days in Taurus — spending time in nature will do you a world of good. 

Then on the 25th, Jupiter shifts out of Taurus and enters Gemini for the next 13 months. While it may initially take you some time to get used to this transit, the fact that it’s activating your sector of health and service can help you remain open-minded regarding ways to switch up your daily routine and add more variety to the work you do and how you do it. Over the course of the next year, you may decide to switch up your diet or workout routine and explore new forms of self-care. Avoid embarking on this journey alone. Having an accountability buddy will make the process more fun and motivating. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, now that it’s Gemini Season you’re feeling more in your element, allowing you to come out of your shell and let your light shine. The Sag full moon on the 23rd further highlights your social side as it’s taking place in your sector of friendship and social networks. If you’ve been feeling the need to cut off frenemies and make new friends, you have the green light to set the necessary boundaries — with no hard feelings — and make room for connections that feel reciprocal and fun. 

Speaking of fun, with Jupiter, the Planet of Abundance, also activating your sector of social networks for 13 months when it enters Gemini on the 25th, you’ll be able to attract new opportunities in the digital sphere, making it a great time to launch or revamp an online brand or start fresh when it comes to your social media presence. The combination of Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto in Aquarius will make this next year feel adventurous and filled with vibrant possibilities to pursue dreams you had previously put on hold. 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, this is a major week for you due to your planetary ruler Jupiter switching signs and entering Gemini for the next 13 months. But before we get there, the Sag full moon activates your career sector once it strikes on the 23rd, allowing you to make bold moves when it comes to your legacy and reputation. What have you always wanted to do? Who have you always dreamt of being? Sag energy encourages you to dream beyond perceived limitations — can you embody infinite possibilities without fear? 

Jupiter’s entrance into Gemini on the 25th will help you do just that, but in a grounded way because it’s taking place in your sector of the home, roots, and the past. This means that staying close to people who feel nurturing and safe will help you achieve your goals with greater ease. Remaining open to the unexpected is an important mission during this Jupiter in Gemini transit, so avoid having your missions set in stone. The more flexibility you have as you enter this new era, the easier it’ll be for your blessings to find you. 

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Your May Horoscope Is Here

Taurus Season Is Here

Your Horoscope This Week: May 12 To 18

Alison Wonderland is no stranger to EDC. The Australian native, along with Anna Lunoe, made history as the first two female solo acts to perform on EDC’s kineticFIELD mainstage back in 2016. She’s been a mainstay at other raves, festivals, and concerts for years during a time when women DJs were few and far between. And yes, she performed nine months pregnant at last year’s EDC with doctors on standby just in case she went into labor.

But Alison Wonderland, who’s wearing a brown sweatshirt with the word “underdog” emblazoned on the front, is more than just “a female DJ.” She’s long been a mental health advocate — her most recent album, Loner in 2022, was a form of rebirth for the artist — and last month, she launched an all-gender beauty line, FMU Beauty, which boasts festival-friendly products like body art pens. It’s a project she’s excited about, stopping mid-convo during our 30-minute Zoom call for an impromptu makeup tutorial to demonstrate how to dab FMU Beauty’s Hyper Hue Lip & Cheek Tint for a quick refresh.

The beauty entrepreneur has also embraced the title of mom; last year, she and director Ti West (X, MaXXXine) welcomed their first son Max, who made an appearance on our call and who, I can confirm, is the most adorable baby ever. 

It’s a balancing act that the working mom has fully invested in. “I always knew we [as women] could do anything, but then after I had a baby, I was like we can really do anything,” she tells me.

Ahead of her EDC Vegas performance, the artist talks about her relationship with the festival, motherhood, and the idea of doing it all.

Refinery29: What makes EDC in particular so special to you personally? 

Alison Wonderland: I think that people are all there for the right reason. I think that there’s a really crazy sense of community amongst ravers, especially at EDC. It has a very cult following, and it’s just a really great form of escapism. It’s like a pilgrimage every year. I feel like EDC is a DJ’s Olympics or DJ’s Coachella because everyone’s just trying to play their best set and everyone in the crowd is just trying to have their best time. I love the energy. It’s truly about the people and the rave and the culture. Shout out to [Insomniac founder] Pasquale [Rotella] for doing that. 

Last year’s EDC, you performed nine months pregnant on the main stage. That’s incredible. Did you really have an ambulance and doctors on standby? 

There’s a video! 100%. I was so careful. I need people to know that I’m a professional and not to do what I do if they’re very pregnant and go to a rave. I was incredibly careful. I had doctors monitoring me every step of the way. Every time I played a show, every time I toured, I made sure my baby was safe, and he was and he was loving it. But yes, there are a lot of precautions that we took to make sure that I could still play shows.

Why was it important for you to still see this gig through? Because I feel like some people would have bowed out.

I don’t think I even really told anyone I was pregnant until I was six months pregnant. So I was just out there playing shows. Honestly, for me, it was very difficult to become successfully pregnant so when it finally happened I didn’t want to be completely paranoid and worrying about it. So I thought the best thing to do is let the baby cook and live my life and do things that make me happy. And the reason I did EDC Vegas nine months pregnant is because it makes me so happy, and I wanted to pass that energy onto my baby and I was able to do it. People asked, how did you stay up there for over an hour and I’m like, easy. It makes me happy. It’s a thing that makes me happy. Feeling the baby kick while I was playing music, it was just, I mean, I can’t explain it. Coachella I did eight months pregnant and he was just going hard.

Honestly I didn’t want to get too into my own head, and it was really difficult for me. So finally, being that far along with the pregnancy, I spiritually wanted to just have good vibes around the baby.

How have things changed or evolved in the EDM scene from your perspective as an artist?

I think the line between producer and DJ has been blurred a lot more from when I started. When I started, I really considered DJing completely separate to production. Now, I feel like every producer is expected to DJ and every DJ is expected to produce. So there’s less of a kind of separate culture within that, which is fine and great for me because I do both, but I think for some people it’s a bit strange. I do believe that women in electronic music are having a way better time now than when I started, which is amazing. I think we’re taken a lot more seriously and it’s great to see so many women killing it now. 

You’ve been very outspoken about mental health and maintaining that positivity in your life. It is Mental Health Awareness Month right now. What’s one thing you wish people understood about your industry when it comes to managing your mental health and how do you prioritize that when you work in such a fast-paced high energy scene?

You just have to learn to listen to yourself, and it’s okay to say no sometimes. I think I found it hard in the past to stop and just pause for a few weeks. And now it’s really important that I do that. I think it’s incredibly lonely when you’re touring. You’re in front of tens of thousands of people on this big stage, and they’re all screaming your name and singing a song. Then half an hour later you’re alone in a hotel room, and it’s just not normal. It’s not a normal existence. Learning that it’s okay to take time occasionally for yourself is really important and have balance. That’s only something I learned recently, but it definitely helped. 

Being a DJ or just being in the scene, I feel like there’s a lot of longevity in this space than say an artist in another genre. Look at this year’s EDC lineup. You’ve got people like Paul Van Dyk or Kaskade, who’ve been doing this for decades, and they’re still showing up.

Kaskade still looks like he’s 20! Listen, here’s my theory on things. If you are doing what you love, it’s ageless. [With] electronic music, no one’s out there judging really what the DJ looks like. Everyone just wants to feel really good energy out there and it’s just a beautiful culture, and I hope I’m still DJing when I’m like 85. I will be.

Your single “Satellite” was released last month. You’ve also teased a new album for 2024. What can you tell us in terms of new music?

Uhh, there’s a lot of music coming. I also have a lot of collabs coming this year. Still working on the album, but I’m also working on new Whyte Fang stuff, which I’m super excited about. I think my first show back as Whyte Fang, (Alison Wonderland’s darker persona), is Bonnaroo. I’m really excited to premiere some stuff there.

You also recently launched your festival-friendly beauty line FMU. Tell me about it. What was the inspiration behind it?

This is something that I have wanted to do for a long time. When I started [DJing and producing music], I didn’t actually think that that could be a career so I was studying special effects makeup. I’ve always wanted to have a makeup line that’s more practical, and people can bring everywhere, like multi-use products. Literally I live in it. I’ll show you right now. … I want things that you can keep in your bag at a festival and either top off when you’re there or if you end up staying the night and you feel a little dusty the next day, you don’t need a big makeup bag, you can just bring this [lip and cheek tint]

You are juggling so much: you have a successful DJ career, you’re a beauty entrepreneur, you’re a mom. How do you do it all? Can you do it all? Can women have it all? Is that even a thing?

Oh, yeah. Years ago, someone that worked for me said I hope you never get pregnant because your career will be over if you do. And I was so fueled by that, that I said, okay bet. Watch me do it all. It kind of fueled me just like when people doubted me as a DJ or an artist. I think that women can do anything, and after having a kid and being pregnant, I know that even more. I know that we are stronger than anyone can ever imagine. There’s this myth that says you can’t, but there’s a way. I always knew we could do anything, but then after I had a baby, I was like we can really do anything.

I think a lot of women artists have been scared to be moms because of that stigma, but now there’s so many artists that have had kids. Grimes, Halsey, Anna Lunoe. And they’re all killing it. Every time I see a pregnant woman on stage, I’m like that is so fucking cool. I felt way hotter pregnant, like I felt badass. No one can mess with you when you’re creating life.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.

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Meet L.A.'s DJ Mija

I Made Myself Sick Trying To Get Pregnant

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Grab your sister because Gap is dropping its newest collaboration with California clothing label Dôen, and it’s all about celebrating sisterhood. The limited-edition Gap x Dôen collection, which is available today, May 17 on features womenswear, kids’ apparel, and accessories with shared styles and prints to match with your sister… or bestie… or daughter! And, quite appropriately, model-sister duo Lily Aldridge and Ruby Aldridge are fronting the campaign by showing off the pieces.

So if you’re looking for timeless summer essentials with a reimagined feminine twist, continue reading and perusing this sweet collection, which you can shop here now.

According to a press release, “The collection merges Gap and Dôen’s most-loved essentials and California classics in a celebration of individuality and timeless femininity.” The 51-piece collection therefore features “floral prints, eyelet, and flowy silhouettes” that are playful and perfect for spring. This spans everything from trendy dresses and summer denim to matching sets and loungewear (oh, and cute tote bags, of course), all between $19.95 and $158.

“As with all our Dôen designs, the collaboration pieces were designed to be loved, worn in, and passed down — and we’re beyond excited to partner with Gap,” Dôen co-founder and CCO Katherine Kleveland said in the press release. 

President and CEO of Gap, Mark Breitbard, also said, “Gap partners with brands that champion originality and use fashion as a powerful form of self-expression,” as proven through last year’s collaboration with LoveShackFancy. “I can’t wait to welcome Dôen fans to the Gap family to experience our product in a fresh new way.”


Shop more Gap x Dôen collab:

Shop full Gap x Dôen collection

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Ssense’s New Bridal Collection Has Unique Dresses

Everlane Editions Destination Vacation Launch

Marshalls’ Celebrity Stylists' Top Fashion Picks

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All linked products are independently selected by our editors. If you purchase any of these products, we may earn a commission.

Summer is just around the corner, which means a few things: Longer days, warmer weather, outdoor soirées, and a red-hot batch of manicure trends to get excited about. Summer nail polish drops of the past may have leaned heavily into neon and tropical-inspired brights, but when has Olive & June ever done things by the book? The cult nail brand behind your favorite salon-inspired press-ons and long-wear polish is heating things up with a just-dropped summer collection — and we have the exclusive deets. 

The nautical-inspired assortment of seven new polishes, seven new press-ons, and more, channel the laid-back, coastal energy of a summer spent at an idyllic lake house (or your one friend-of-a-friend’s Hamptons bungalow). With shade names like Maine Character Energy, Shades of Seersucker, and All Manis on Deck, Olive & June’s summer lineup is as elevated, fun, and chic as we hope our summer to be. Keep reading to get the inside scoop on every new shade in the collection from Olive & June’s founder and CEO, Sarah Gibson Tuttle.


Maine Character Energy, $9

This cheeky pinkish-red evokes our favorite summer crustacean, the lobster. Whether in roll form or plastered on swim trunks, Gibson Tuttle dubs this shade “the pinky-red-coral that summer dreams are made of.” 

Saltwater Taffy, $9

From makeup to nails, jelly finishes show no sign of slowing down this summer. Like your favorite boardwalk confectionary, Saltwater Taffy is a sheer bubblegum pink with the lowkey vibe of a naked nail, but with a little something-something. “We have completely fallen in love with jellies and sheers, and so has our community,” Gibson Tuttle shares. “We knew this sugary shade would be such a fresh wash of color for summer on its own, and that it had endless layering possibilities over any color in your collection.”

Shades of Seersucker, $9

My personal favorite of the bunch is this dreamy periwinkle creme. If you could bottle carefree summer nights, Shades of Seersucker would be it. “A lot of our initial moodboards for summer featured a lot of textiles and other seaside textures,” Gibson Tuttle explains. “That iconic light blue stripe of a seersucker jacket or swim trunks was one we loved from the beginning.”

All Manis on Deck, $9

“We are all hopping on board this imaginary boat adventure, and so it really is all manis on deck,” Gibson Tuttle says. “This bright turquoise is so electric, and completely boosts your mood.” Pairs well with: White-sand beaches, a refreshing drink, and unlimited PTO.

I’ll Take Another Spritz, $9

“This is such a unique shade because it’s a jelly orange base, with a gorgeous gold-orange iridescence to it,” explains Gibson Tuttle. “This shade shifts as you move, which we loved, because it captured that effervescence of a bubbly spritz. It’s also really buildable, so if you prefer an opaque shimmery orange, you can get that in 3 coats.” We’re calling it now: This red-hot hue is one you’ll be reaching for all summer long.  

Ack, A Shark!, $9

While we hope that a treacherous run-in with any unfriendly fish is not on the plan this summer, this aquatic navy is an unexpected (and utterly chic) choice for summer. “This was one of the first colors we developed for this collection,” Gibson Tuttle shares. “A deep navy is a fun take on a neutral for summer, and it is absolutely fisherman sweater chic.”

Gold Drops

Spoiler alert: You can actually get a full-size bottle of this mesmerizing shimmery gold for free with any purchase of any Olive & June mani system. “This is a subtle golden sheer that was inspired by shimmery summer body oil,” Gibson Tuttle shares. “The glazed trend is not showing any signs of stopping, but we’re excited about this warmer, more golden take.”


White Chrome Glue Press-Ons, $10

“A crisp white mani in summer is a forever favorite, but we made it even more stunning with this shimmery chrome treatment for a glazed effect,” Gibson Tuttle tells us.

Love Nautical Split French Glue Press-Ons, $10

These geometric, sailor-inspired press-ons combine the wow factor of nail art with the ease (and price point) of an at-home mani. “It doesn’t get more captaincore than this,” says Gibson Tuttle. “This was an on-theme take on a classic French manicure.”

Blue Chrome Glue Press-Ons, $10

“Chrome is one of our favorite finishes in press-ons, and having it in a blue is stunning,” Gibson Tuttle shares. “Blue is a hero color for this collection, and this pale hue balances the depth of navy perfectly.” An elongated, coffin shape also makes this one perfect for your bougiest summer party this season.

Soft Silver Foil Stars Glue Press-Ons, $10

Let the stars align with your manicure with these cosmic pressies. “A classic, milky, sheer and neutral base accented by tiny puffy silver stars is the fun pop we all need,” says Gibson Tuttle.

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

Justice For Short Nail Beds!

Nail Tints Are Replacing Classic Polish For Spring

11 Spring Nail Trends That Beat A French Tip

Welcome to Money Diaries where we are tackling the ever-present taboo that is money. We’re asking real people how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we’re tracking every last dollar.

This week: a senior implementation specialist who makes $78,200 per year and spends some of her money this week on chocolate pudding.

Editor’s Note: All amounts are in Canadian dollars.

Occupation: Senior implementation specialist
Industry: Healthcare tech
Age: 32
Location: Toronto
Salary:  $78,200 ($76,500 from my full-time salaried job, $1,700 this year from my side hustle as a stage manager in community theatre.)
Assets: $500 in my checking; $7,444 in my rainy day fund (I pay rent out of this and contribute $1,400 per month); $4,195 in my savings account for a trailer; $1,265 in my travel fund; $3,652 in my RRSP; $14,325 in my TFSA. Both my RRSP and TFSA have some in GICS, and the rest in Wealthsimple’s Socially Responsible Index. Car is also paid off but I won’t guess its value in this equation.
Debt: $0. I finally got my decade-long lingering credit card debt paid off in September and have been paying off my balance in full every paycheck since. I’m very proud of that.  
Paycheck Amount (2x/month): $2,156.22
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Monthly Housing Costs: $1,125 — my husband T. and I split a three-bedroom apartment, it’s a steal.
Monthly Loan Payments: $0
All Other Monthly Expenses:
Hydro: ~$70
Cell Phone: $6.50 ($50 is covered by work and this is just the remainder.)
Internet & Cable: $148
Hayu: $7.90
Spotify: $12.42
Pet Insurance: $71.98
Amex Fee: $12.99
Monthly Donation: $26.10 (This is to the camp I grew up at.)
Annual Fees: Local theatre membership, $13.27; Google storage, $40 Savings: $300 a month to my rainy day fund; $600 a month to my Wealthsimple TFSA; $300 a month to my Wealthsimple RRSP; around $300-$800 to either my trailer park fund or my vacation fund.

Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
Yes, but to my parents’ credit they did tell me they would be happy with either college or university. I remember my mom saying it’s very hard to get a good job just with a high school diploma. I did really well all through high school and got a scholarship for a full ride to university for first year, which I promptly lost after one semester by not reading the fine print about mandatory GPA and partying a lot. My parents and my grandmother generously supported me throughout all of university, including housing, but I had part-time jobs for spending money and I worked in the summer. This is a privilege I don’t take lightly as I watch my friends all struggle to pay off their loans now.

Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent(s)/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
I remember my parents fighting a lot about money and it’s really impacted my relationship with money and my husband. We’ve been together for 13 years, but I’m still not going to combine our bank accounts. My mom earned more than my dad, but she also spent a lot more, always insisting that we go out to dinner or go on vacation. Both of my parents had good government jobs, but I remember them having to ask my grandmother for a loan to do a repair on the roof. I never want to be in that position. Eventually when they divorced they sold the house and both moved into rentals because the debt was too much to take on individually.

What was your first job and why did you get it?
I worked at a summer camp every year starting at age 15 until I was 19, where I was paid an “honourarium” of $45 a week and $5 of free candy. I got this job because I was such a campkid and couldn’t imagine aging out of camp, and they were some of the best years of my life. My parents did “trial separations” multiple times while I was in high school and when they were separated my dad would give me an allowance for cleaning the house and cooking dinner a few times a week. My first real job was a student space supervisor during my first year of university.

Did you worry about money growing up?
Maybe not worry, but I was definitely annoyed by my mom’s spending habits. I remember listening to the fighting and the complaining about being broke and even then being like “Well… Feels like a pretty obvious solution to me.” Overall though we were happy, had clothes on our back, and never went without.

Do you worry about money now?
Yes and no. This last year I really started to care about my financial picture for the first time and finally got out of debt. I also got a new job with a fairly substantial pay bump and I’m really proud of how far I’ve come. I am proud of my cheap rent and my rainy day fund and I know I could make it quite a few months of being unemployed. I have given up on home ownership but am coming around to taking retirement seriously. I worry about having children and that wiping out our disposable income.

At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
I became financially responsible for myself at 22 when I graduated from university and moved to Toronto. I have enough in my rainy day fund for a few months, and I know my partner (and theoretically his parents) would support me if needed. My dad has told me, “You can move home if you’re about to be homeless, but not for any other reason.”

Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
As mentioned, my parents and my grandmother supported me all the way through university. I received around $2,000 from my granddad when he passed away in 2013. My in-laws also gave us $10,000 for our elopement earlier this year which was not asked for, but definitely appreciated.

Day One

7:45 a.m. — I start snoozing my alarms. I went to New York over the weekend and am still recovering and very snoozy. I eventually get up, brush my teeth and get dressed, then walk my dog P. and make breakfast. I have a bagel with baba and Chipotle Everything Bagel Seasoning and a coffee. I also feed P. and eventually sit down for work by 9:05 a.m.

10:45 a.m. — Two of my friends that I went to New York with sent me some money for the trip — $40 for an Uber back to the airport and $220 for one person’s share of the hotel. I put the $220 in my vacation fund and the $40 on my Amex. I’m mostly sending follow ups this morning so I’m just kind of chilling. I have a clementine and a cinnamon bun Joe-Joe.

11:40 a.m. — Still not being super productive. I finish one task, have some leftover pizza and caramel rice cakes for lunch as my next meeting gets canceled.

2:30 p.m. — I take P. out for her afternoon walk and then make a veggie wrap for lunch #2 (Team Always Hungry). I have my first one-to-one with my new manager and it goes okay. I’m one of those people who is terrified of getting fired and I think he reads this wrong. But he doesn’t bring anything up about the fact that I’m only going to the office once a week instead of the mandated twice.

4:10 p.m. — I promise I’m generally not an impulsive person but I just randomly ordered a new phone online. I’m going to Morocco at the end of the month and I was thinking about how my phone is now a twice-a-day charger and how I’ve been out of storage for a while. For only $15 more per month I can get 35 more gigabytes of data, and a 128G iPhone 15, and just went for it. I think this is my first example of lifestyle creep since getting my new job last July, but since my work pays for $50 of my bill I think it’s worth it.

5:15 p.m. — Unfortunately I do spend the last hour of my workday getting this new phone and looking at phone cases, lol. I clock out and do 45 minutes of power yoga, shower and clean my apartment for a bit.

6:50 p.m. — T.’s home! My husband travels a lot for work and has been in the States for the past two weeks. We did see each other very quickly and luckily while I was in New York, but it’s very nice to have him home. We eventually go for dinner and drinks at an Irish bar fairly close by. I get a grilled cheese and fries with two and a half Harp beers. T. pays and we have a really good time talking shit about the New York trip, his time on the road, and how obsessed I’ve become about going to Antarctica. T. and I don’t split finances, which I know people have a lot of opinions about, but I hate feeling like the money police and I like feeling like I get taken out to dinner. Right now it works for us.

10 p.m. — We walk home and feed P., then watch an episode of the show that T. shot (actually he was the director of photography, but who’s bragging) that came out while he was away. It looks super good. It’s hard for us to be apart but I’m really proud of him and how talented he is. Bed around 11 p.m.; so happy to not be the one taking the pup out.

Daily Total: $0

Day Two

7:15 a.m. — Office day means getting up a little bit earlier, but nothing criminal. I brush my teeth, put on sunscreen, make toast and a coffee to go and head out for the streetcar; there’s money loaded on my Presto and there are fare inspectors today.

9 a.m. — In the office, pretending to work already. My first order of business is ordering a cake for my upcoming Go Live client ($52 expensed). After that I work on some documentation and attend an API kick-off call. I also make coffee #2 and eventually eat a granola bar from the office kitchen.

11:50 a.m. — Not to complain about a free lunch but… This one is Greek, and I’m a vegetarian, and I literally just get iceberg lettuce, three olives, and a few roasted potatoes. Cool. I have a bag of Cheez-Its and half of a doughnut that were ordered for our coworker’s birthday, and a small bag of Brookside, and am feeling full enough.

3:30 p.m. — I am having trouble keeping my eyes open. I move my desk to be a standing desk and eat a bag of chips.

4.50 p.m. — Had a productive push to end my day but really ready to leave. I take a granola bar and some fruit gummies from the office snack drawer and head for the streetcar. I tap my Presto and read for about 75% of the way, and then I get off early to walk since it’s a nice-ish day and I feel a headache coming on. I have had a headache about 95% of the days I’ve worked from this office, something about the fluorescents.

6 p.m. — Home and feeling loopy. T. and I giggle on the couch for a while and listen to music and talk about our days. Eventually he goes on an LCBO drinks run and I watch an old episode of Summer House. When he gets back he makes us breakfast for dinner: hash browns, eggs and toast. We watch EuroTrip and we both have an ice cream sammie for dessert.

9:50 p.m. — When we switch the movie off I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open and end up going to bed at like 10:10 p.m., which is early even for me. I’m out by 10:40 p.m.

Daily Total: $0

Day Three

8:45 a.m. — Got distracted with T. this morning and am up later than I’d like to be, but I don’t have any morning meetings and honestly I don’t regret it. I take P. out, make an everything bagel with baba and a coffee, and sit down to work.

9:30 a.m. — I got paid a day early! Thank you Easter! I do my payday routine: pay off both credit cards (which really hurt after New York), put $700 into my rent and rainy day fund, and put $300 in my TFSA. The only bills I manually pay are on my first paycheck of the month and this is the second. Usually I’ll have about $300-$400 to put in my trailer park fund this paycheck, but New York put a stop to that. If I didn’t have another trip coming up in less than a month I would pay my credit card back with some money from my vacation fund, but at the moment I think skipping a month of my trailer fund is okay. I also buy my pay day treat: a phone case for my new phone from Walli. I can’t ever go back from having a loop at the back of my phone case, but the Loopy case I wanted is sold out. It is kind of pricey, but cheaper than Loopy and I get a really fun cow print. $73.33

10 a.m. — While paying off my credit card, I see that my Presto has auto-loaded. $20

10:40 a.m. — Really on a rip and a tear this morning. I’m watching a training video for one of my new clients and get a one-day sale email from Uniqlo. I need a larger, more secure purse for Morocco so I can bring my film camera around, and I’m still on the look out for a pair of green cotton pants, also for Morocco. Both of these are on sale at Uniqlo and I buy an extra pair of underwear to meet the $75 free shipping minimum. I also get $10 off from signing up for texts and that means the $75 is irrelevant. I do in-store pickup and tell myself I will try stuff on and potentially return things while I’m in store. Still another kind-of impulsive purchase. $74.24

12:20 p.m. — T. also got paid early today and e-transfers me for the flights to Morocco that I bought back in January. I had lent the money from my rainy day fund so I put the money right back in (+$630). I have a veggie wrap, a cookie and everything bagel cashews for lunch.

1:40 p.m. — The tote bag I bought online last week — because it was sold out at the concert I went to in New York — is marked as undeliverable and is being returned to sender… Thank you for the $75 back but also… I wanted that tote bag. I submit an online form but don’t hold my breath.

4:30 p.m. — Just got told I had the wrong info for something I’ve spent probably about five hours on this week 🙂

5:15 p.m. — Done for the week! I do a quick power yoga video and then spend 10-15 minutes in my reading nook to finish my book. It was a collection of short stories that a friend of a friend of mine wrote, I rate it higher on GoodReads than I normally would to support a pal. Afterwards T. and I stroll to the LCBO since it’s closed tomorrow ($17.40) and then pick up hot cross buns from Cobs to be extra festive ($9.25). $26.65

7 p.m. — Once we’re home, I make us a quick dinner of zucchini and gnocchi with red sauce. Gnocchi is a hugely underrated pasta. I also have a Harp and T. has a High Life. Eventually T. heads out to meet a pal and I finish season 6 of Summer House and go to bed around 11:20 p.m.

Daily Total: $194.22

Day Four

8:45 a.m. — It’s Good Friday which means a Good Sleep-In. I get up around 9:15 a.m., walk P., have two hot cross buns and coffee for breakfast and start on my new book, an oral history of emo called Where Are Your Boys Tonight?

11:40 a.m. — T. eventually gets up and my reading time is interrupted. I do my hour of power yoga, have a big shower, do my skincare for once and make coffee number two and have two pomegranate Pop-Tarts that T. brought back from the States, and a clementine. I start my professional management course which I’m determined to do two hours of every weekend.

3:20 p.m. — My head hurts and I’m not focusing well so I stop to have some cheese and crackers, cucumbers and spin dip for lunch and watch this week’s Summer House.

4:15 p.m. — T. comes home from his camera prep and takes P. out for a walk. I get ready for my best friend B.’s birthday party! The theme is indie sleaze and this is my Super Bowl. I still have an American Apparel deep V and an American Apparel hoodie which I pair with skinny jeans and I straighten my hair. When I head out I stop by A&W and get two potato peri-peri buddy burgers ($9.02). I eat one at A&W and bring one to eat when I get there. $9.02

6:30 p.m. — I get there early to help set up and add a slouchy beanie to my ensemble. Our friends start to show up, the playlist is great, and it’s an all-time good party. We take a lot of film photos and decide on our summer mantra: take it easy. For context — last year was freak summer. B. brought a pack of PBRs for the party and our chef friend brought a birthday cake. I take the beers I brought home.

11:30 p.m. — T. has to be on set for 9 a.m. tomorrow so we gotta scoot. We TTC home, he walks P. and I wash my face and hit the hay.

Daily Total: $9.02

Day Five

8:20 a.m. — T. gives me a kiss before he heads out for set, and I snooze for a bit more before getting up to walk P. I again have two hot cross buns and coffee and put on Vanderpump Rules while P. has breakfast as well.

11:20 a.m. — Get myself off the couch to walk to the grocery store. We need dog food and I want to make my friend, A., worms and dirt for his birthday tonight. Yes that’s two birthdays in a row in the same friend group — we also have one next Friday. Woof. The grocery store is a 25-minute walk each way but I like to walk and it’s a sunshiney day. I see some buds on the trees! I get chocolate pudding, Oreos, gummy worms, Mini Eggs, crackers and dog food. The lady in front of me gets all vegetables. $26.14

12:45 p.m. — I get home and make the pudding in order to give it a few hours to sit. I eat two Oreos dipped in pudding and let myself have five minutes of chill time on the couch and then force myself to get up and do a slow yoga flow. Balance.

2:15 p.m. — I take a quick body shower, get my clothes sorted and run to the cafe across the street to break my $20 bill for laundry. I get a pumpkin spice Americano and a ginger molasses cookie — a very autumnal order for a nice spring day. $8

3 p.m. — I put two loads in at the laundromat ($7). When I get home I work on my PMP course for a bit and eat my cookie. Switch my laundry over and keep working on my course while it dries ($1.75). $8.75

4:10 p.m. — Walk P. and start making dinner while I put my clothes away, just an easy veggie fish and chips. I also assemble the worms ‘n’ dirt, feed P. and get changed for the night. I put on an old episode of Below Deck while I bop around.

5.50 p.m. — Wanted to head for the bus about 15 minutes ago but just had too much to do. I take the streetcar to the bus (paid on Presto), the bus to the subway, ride the subway for one stop and find out that it’s not running this weekend… Take the shuttle bus, the subway and then another bus… Overall two hours on the TTC by the time I get there. Love that for me.

8 p.m. — I drink three beers, have some chips and a mochi doughnut. This pal always celebrates his birthday by toasting his enemies which is very fun, and his girlfriend gives me an edible which is also very fun. This year he adds in an element where we all have to do a presentation. Mine is on “How To Not Shit Your Pants Internationally,” a concept I’m very passionate about. Other presentations include: “Horses and Gemstone Synesthesia,” “Sonja Morgan’s Toaster Oven,” and “Cereal.” Overall, a very fun night.

11:30 p.m. — T. drove to the party since he only finished set at 6 p.m. and there’s no way he would have made it with the shuttle bus, so he only has one drink and then drives us home. The weed has made me very sleepy and it’s extremely nice to just cruise home. I go to bed right away.

Daily Total: $42.89

Day Six

8:20 a.m — T. gives me a kiss goodbye and heads back to set, he walked and fed P. this morning so I keep snoozing.

11:30 a.m. — Finally up. I do my final yoga for my month-long challenge. I really liked this yoga streaming website and I will use it in the future, but I’m going to cancel for now. I tend to do one month spurts at working out so I can keep things fresh and not get bored. I eat some leftover pizza from B.’s birthday and watch Below Deck.

1 p.m. — Take P. out for a walk; the Easter parade is already starting on my street.

2 p.m. — Head up to the top of our block to get scooped by T. We’re heading to our hometown for Easter dinner and the traffic combined with the parade is intense. We stop at Tim Horton’s for a coffee and Timbits, and T. pays. I also pay my rent in the car.

3:45 p.m. — Made it home. The dinner is at T.’s parents house but my dad will come because they’re besties. There’s also his sister (who’s pregnant, lots to discuss), her husband, T.’s cousin and his son, my brother-in-law’s dad and T.’s aunt. I feel very fortunate to be adopted into a fun, nice and normal family, because that was not always my experience growing up. As a teen I couldn’t imagine an Easter dinner without someone screaming. I am slightly sad that I don’t get an Easter basket.

8:40 p.m. — Post-pie we leave our hometown and the traffic is still rough. We talk about how much we both got talked over in that dinner and how nobody understands what either of us do for work. We get home, feed P., and watch an episode of T.’s TV show. I shower and head to bed by 11 p.m.

Daily Total: $0

Day Seven

8:10 a.m. — Wish I had Easter Monday off. I get up, brush my teeth and put sunscreen on, and walk P. I give her breakfast and have leftover pizza, leftover Timbits and coffee for myself. My first Slack message I see when I log in is about how much internal time I used last week… Tracking my time is the worst part of my job.

11 a.m. — I start on this manual that should help with my billable hours, but it also feels very self-serving. I cancel my power yoga membership and sign up for the Action Jacquelyn Barre Definition app. It’s $29.99 but I won’t get charged for seven days and when I do I’ll expense it through my “wellness fund” and then I’ll cancel before the end of the month.

12:30 p.m. — I make a little snacky lunch of a hot cross bun, cucumbers, cheese, crackers and Everything Bagel almonds.

2:30 p.m. — Meetings are done for the day so I do my first workout of my new challenge. I do a Barre-Yoga-Leg-Sculpt with ankle weights and it is a killer. I haven’t used my ankle weights since I did this creator’s workouts last May. By the end of the 30 minutes I’m shaking.

3:10 p.m. — Back online and do a head-down task while listening to The Bald and the Beautiful.

4:55 p.m. — Done for the day and it looks like I missed the nice weather. I read my book in my nook for about an hour before T. and I head out on a walk. We stop by the grocery store and get canned dolma and spanakopita for dinner, and I eye that they have ice cream on sale. T. gets the groceries and then we stop at Shoppers for leftover Easter candy. I get some that doesn’t have a price tag and I’m not sure how discounted it really was ($6.20). Afterward we go to the same bar we went to earlier in the week and get two pints each. We have a really good talk about Morocco and our future trailer. I’m aware it’s not a good investment, but it’s the closest thing to a cottage I’m going to get. We agree that this will be an “information gathering” summer, and then, depending on the answers we get, try to purchase one during the summer after. T. pays for the beers. $6.20

8 p.m. — We get the ice cream on the way home. $4.99

8:15 p.m. — We make rice to go with our dolma and spanakopita and watch I Love You, Man. Our friend’s birthday on Friday is Paul Rudd themed and we’re still trying to get ideas.

11 p.m. — Lights out baby!

Daily Total: $11.19

The Breakdown

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The first step to getting your financial life in order is tracking what you spend — to try on your own, check out our guide to managing your money every day. For more Money Diaries, click here.

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We’ve raved about Lululemon plenty on this site — and it’s genuinely because we’re fans of the gear. From internet-famous accessories to leggings we don’t want to take off, the iconic Canadian label never disappoints. And as much as we hold room in our hearts (and closets) for our tried-and-true favorites — Align tights, Define jackets, Energy bras, and more — we can’t help but go gaga over Lululemon’s fresh drops that introduce innovative designs and  never-before-seen colorways.

As you know, the Lululemon hive is among the most loyal in the game — as such, the freshest pieces also tend to be the ones that sell out the quickest. With all that in mind, we’ve corralled all of the shiniest new arrivals at Lululemon for your shopping delight. Watch this space!

All linked products are independently selected by our editors. If you purchase any of these products, we may earn a commission.

For more can’t-miss shopping stories delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our Most Wanted newsletter.

Varsity High-Rise Pleated Tennis Skirt

Get into the tenniscore trend with an easy breezy Lululemon tennis skirt (read: skort). This style came along with several new Lululemon matching sets and tennis styles, and we’re obsessed with each of the preppy activewear pieces. Wear this tennis skirt for a trendy look on or off the court.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Varsity High-Rise Pleated Tennis Skirt, $, available at Lululemon

Clear Everywhere Belt Bag 1L

The internet’s favorite sling bag is new and improved. Find the Everywhere Belt Bag in a clear plastic, which is the perfect option to serve as your clear stadium bag for summer concerts. Cart it up in white or black trim, and wear it over colorful tops and dresses.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag 1L Clear, $, available at Lululemon

Bend This V and Racer Bra

Here’s the product you didn’t know you needed in your activewear arsenal: a sports bra that can be reversed from front to back and layered with other styles. There are four new Bend This bra styles, and this one in particular can either be worn as a V-neck or racerback… in the front. (PS: Keep your eyes peeled for an editor review soon!)

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Bend This V and Racer Bra A-C Cups, $, available at Lululemon

Cruiser Backpack 23L

Looking for a backpack that actually keeps your daily essentials organized and compartmentalized? Then look no further than this Lululemon style. With plenty of interior and exterior pockets, it makes for a great work bag or gym bag (or both).

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Cruiser Backpack 23L, $, available at Lululemon

WovenAir Overalls

It’s finally overalls season, which is much appreciated for a one-and-done spring outfits. But rather than a classic pair of denim overalls, Lululemon has us equipped with a fresh style in a lightweight, breathable, and sweat-wicking fabric. Because we’re all about looking stylish (and not sweaty) this season.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon WovenAir Overalls, $, available at Lululemon

Modal Relaxed-Fit Cropped Short-Sleeve Shirt

Lounge luxuriously in an oversized cropped crew neck made from a silky-soft fabric. Not your average T-shirt, this style has sleeves that are just as long as the hemline for a slightly more elevated look that can be dressed up.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Modal Relaxed-Fit Cropped Short-Sleeve Shirt, $, available at Lululemon

Mini Shoulder Bag 4L

In our opinion, you can never own enough trendy handbags, so we figured we’d put this new style on your radar. It’s spacious with several pockets, has an adjustable shoulder strap, and comes in a water-repellent material — making it a great companion to bring out everywhere, every day. 

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Mini Shoulder Bag 4L, $, available at Lululemon

Hotty Hot High-Rise Lined Short 4″

These top-rated shorts (think: a 4.4 out of 5 star rating and over 3.2K reviews) are now available in fresh spring colorways, including this cheerful blue. Meant to be worn for everything from running to lifting, these mini shorts feature mesh panels for unrestricted movement and airflow to get you through your sweatiest workouts.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Hotty Hot High-Rise Lined Short 4″, $, available at Lululemon

Dance Studio Relaxed-Fit Mid-Rise Cargo Jogger

These comfy pants feature stylish details, such as a cinchable hem, pockets aplenty, and a ribbed waistband — making them perfect for travel, errands, and more.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Dance Studio Relaxed-Fit Mid-Rise Cargo Jogger, $, available at Lululemon

Water Bottle Crossbody With Front Pocket

This insulated water bottle sling makes it easy for you to stay hydrated no matter what the day has in store for you. Plus, it can also fit your phone, credit cards, and keys.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Water Bottle Crossbody with Front Pocket, $, available at Lululemon

Align Halter Tank Top

Align tank, but make it a halter top. This variation on a theme seamlessly combines support and style, and it’s perfect for going from the yoga studio to hanging out with friends.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Align™ Halter Tank Top, $, available at Lululemon

Packable Tote Bag 32L

Travel pro tip: A packable tote bag that folds down flat takes up virtually no room in your luggage, but it can be used to hold excess items picked up during your trip. Plus, smart details like a trolley strap, zippered pockets, and side loops for endless customization (read: charms!) make it truly yours.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Packable Tote Bag 32L, $, available at Lululemon

Relaxed-Fit Twill Blazer

Lululemon may not be known for workwear, but that doesn’t mean it can’t make a perfect blazer. This hero piece is polished yet comfortable enough for your longest work days.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Relaxed-Fit Twill Blazer, $, available at Lululemon

Cotton-Blend Poplin High-Rise Short 4″

These breathable poplin shorts are slightly more dressed up than your casual jorts but every bit as comfortable. Plus, they go with everything from a plain white tee to a silk cami. 

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Cotton-Blend Poplin High-Rise Short 4″, $, available at Lululemon

Cityverse Women’s Sneaker

Lululemon’s first casual sneaker combines a minimal, elevated silhouette with all-day comfort, and it’s consistently upgraded with new colorways. The perfect shoe doesn’t exi—.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Cityverse Women’s Sneaker, $, available at Lululemon

Softstreme High-Rise Midi Skirt

It’s the same cozy fabric as our favorite Lululemon hoodies and joggers, but now in a chic midi skirt. Because elevated styles should also be incredibly comfortable.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Softstreme High-Rise Midi Skirt, $, available at Lululemon

Classic Unisex Ball Cap Wordmark

The iconic baseball cap gets the Lululemon treatment with a subtle logo detail in a rainbow of new colorways to coordinate with any ‘fit. 

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Classic Unisex Ball Cap Wordmark, $, available at Lululemon

Lightweight Hem-Cinch Bomber Jacket

Ready to take flight? This breezy bomber style is the perfect spring jacket and layering piece to throw on.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Lightweight Hem-Cinch Bomber Jacket, $, available at Lululemon

2-in-1 Travel Duffle Backpack 45L

Jet in style with this roomy yet stylish convertible bag that can be worn as a backpack or a duffle bag. 

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon 2-in-1 Travel Duffle Backpack 45L, $, available at Lululemon

Align Cropped Cami Tank Top

The fan-fave Align tank gets a stylish upgrade, thanks to this soft, supportive fabric, cropped length, and delicate spaghetti straps.

Lululemon Align™ Cropped Cami Tank Top, $, available at Lululemon

Cotton-Blend Poplin Button-Down Shirt

Feelin’ a little dressy? This tailored button-down is perfect for going to the office — and looking good doing it.

Lululemon Cotton-Blend Poplin Button-Down Shirt, $, available at Lululemon

Silk-Blend Knit Tank Top

The styling possibilities of this luxe, silk-blend tank top are endless: Wear it alone, under an oversized cardigan, over a long-sleeved bodysuit…should we go on?

Lululemon Silk-Blend Knit Tank Top, $, available at Lululemon

Daily Multi-Pocket Canvas Tote Bag 20L

This roomy canvas tote is perfect for grocery trips, WFC (work from café), and for keeping all your daily essentials housed in one place.

Lululemon Daily Multi-Pocket Canvas Tote Bag 20L Logo, $, available at Lululemon

Insulated Mug 20oz

Stanley girls, but make it Lululemon. Stay hydrated on the go with this chic insulated mug (there’s also a 12 oz. mug for coffee or tea) that keeps hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold.

Lululemon Insulated Mug 20oz, $, available at Lululemon

Align™ V-Waist Pant 25″

The Align Pant needs no introduction, but here’s a brief lowdown: Buttery-soft, body-hugging fabric that feels like a hug in legging form. This fall update features a waist-snatching V-shaped band, so don’t mind us as we stock up.

Lululemon Align™ V-Waist Pant 25″, $, available at Lululemon

Align™ Wrap-Waist Short 4″

More Align waist details! Lululemon’s new version of its Align short (and leggings, too) features this delicate, high-fashion wrap-waist detail that’ll have you wearing it on and off the mat.

Lululemon Align™ Wrap-Waist Short 4″, $, available at Lululemon

Define Cropped Full-Zip Tank Top Luon

Another variation on a theme comes in the form of the Define Cropped Tank, which is like a sleeveless version of the Define Jacket in the cottony-soft Luon fabric you know and love.

Lululemon Define Cropped Full-Zip Tank Top Luon, $, available at Lululemon

Tennis Rally Bag 21L

This large drawstring bucket bag can be worn as a tote or backpack, and it fits your racket, tennis balls, and then some. (Plus, it’s roomy enough for anything your off-court days throw at you: grocery store hauls, working at the office (or café), midday gym sesh, a spontaneous weekend jaunt…should we go on?

Lululemon Tennis Rally Bag 21L, $, available at Lululemon

Everywhere Belt Bag 1L

You know it. You love it. The internet’s favorite crossbody is now available in a fresh new batch of colorways, including this utterly perfect tie-dye, perfect for wearing out and about during Pride Month and beyond.

Lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag 1L, $, available at Lululemon

Fast and Free High-Rise Tight 25″

This cosmic periwinkle is one of several new color drops for Lululemon’s running legging, the Fast and Free, which has sweat-wicking properties and a never-droopy waistband.

Lululemon Fast and Free High-Rise Tight 25″, $, available at Lululemon

Never Lost Keychain

The name says it all: Bid adieu to searching a crowded purse for your house keys or add a dose of personality to any tote with this oversized nylon ribbon strap.

Lululemon Never Lost Keychain, $, available at Lululemon

Swiftly Tech Long-Sleeve Shirt 2.0

With spring finally here, make jacket-free outdoor jogs and leisurely strolls the best part of your day. This long-sleeve tee has a lighter-than-air feel, plus silver-infused fabric to keep odor-causing bacteria at bay.

Lululemon Swiftly Tech Long-Sleeve Shirt 2.0, $, available at Lululemon

Restfeel Women’s Slide

Lululemon’s signature slide sandal was just released in several new, summer-ready neutrals, and we can’t wait to cop a pair or two in latte tan, milky white, or another colorway.

Lululemon Restfeel Women’s Slide, $, available at Lululemon

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

The Internet's Cult-Favorite Styles Of Lululemon

These Lululemon Pieces Make Perfect Travel Outfits

18 Lululemon Gifts Your Mom Wants For Mother’s Day

We can’t wait to get out of our stuffy jeans and glide into some of the best summer dresses. The temperature is steadily increasing, and once the heat is at an all-time high, a breathable dress is the ultimate go-to. Lounging at home, running mid-day errands, prepping for summer weddings, and weekend city shopping with friends, you name it, you can do it in a dress.

To prepare you for a full summer of dress-wearing, we crafted a guide to the breeziest summer dresses worth living in for the seasons to come. And to suss out the silhouettes everyone is currently carting, we headed straight for the review sections of our favorite sites. Once you’ve read — and shopped — this story, don’t be alarmed if strangers stop and ask where you bought your summer frock or if you and your best friend end up wearing the same whimsical number.

Ahead, peruse everything from Barbiecore dresses that even Barbie would be jealous of to our favorite lightweight silhouettes from Free People — or just to peep what made customers’ cuts on the best-frocked list for summer.

Welcome to Hype Machine, our hit-list of the top reviewed products across the web — according to a crowd of die-hard shoppers. Call this your 4-star & up only club, with entry granted by our devoted-to-the-goods shop editors.

All linked products are independently selected by our editors. If you purchase any of these products, we may earn a commission.

For more can’t-miss shopping stories delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our Most Wanted newsletter.

The Trendy Dress

Show Me Your Mumu Greta Dress

The Hype: 4.7 out of 5 stars; 293 reviews on

Florals and ruffles are in this season and we love this version of the two trends. This elegant and flattering midi will light up any room you enter.

“I wore this dress as a bridesmaid and I couldn’t say enough good things,” exclaims a reviewer. “Super flattering and so cute on. The ruffles are unique and it looks good on different body types. Got a ton of compliments!! I am usually between a M-L and I went with L and was happy with how it fit, so if you are between sizes I would maybe suggest going up.”

Shop Show Me Your Mumu

Show Me Your Mumu Greta Dress, $, available at Show Me Your Mumu

The Spanish Summer Dress

Lisa Says Gah Grace Dress

The Hype: 4.59 out of 5 stars; 56 reviews on

While we can’t all go to Barcelona for tapas this summer, we can wear this bold tapas-printed dress and pretend we’re in Spain. The classic v-neck with flutter sleeves is a gorgeous linen addition to any closet with its fun food print.

“The print is perfection. I immediately got multiple compliments as soon as I left the house,” says a reviewer. “The cut is low enough that I do have to think about which bra to wear, but I’m comfortable with the amount of skin showing. I’m hourglass-shaped and bought my usual size M, it’s quite a good fit. One bummer is that mine came with a small flaw in the print. It seems like it was screen printed over a flaw in the cotton, so when the loose strings were removed there was a white area in one of the melons. For the price, a small bummer, but overall I’m happy!”

Shop Lisa Says Gah

Lisa Says Gah Grace Dress, $, available at Lisa Says Gah

The Court Ready Dress

Vuori Volley Dress

The Hype: 4.2 out of 5 stars; 239 reviews on

The sun is out and the courts are ready for you. Whether you play tennis, pickleball, badminton, or other racquet sports, Vuori’s moisture-wicking Volley dress is the perfect tennis core dress to wear during that serve. A new take on the classic tennis dress, this has a built-in bra with pockets.

“I LOVE this dress,” raves a reviewer. “I love the high neckline, the fabric, the length, the washability, the comfort, and the compliments. One thing: You will need shorts to wear underneath. I wish more styles were available with a higher neckline since the skin on the chest is delicate. I also bought it in white. If there were other colors I’d buy them too!”

Shop Vuori

Vuori Volley Dress, $, available at Vuori

The Dreamy Date Night Dress

Rumored Venice Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 76 reviews on

Silky slips are in this spring and we love Rumored’s vintage-inspired rendition of the date night dress complete with dreamy lace and a plunging neckline. This romantic slip is sure to up the romance any evening — and if black isn’t your vibe there’s also a trendy butter yellow and baby pink option. P.S. The dress is also available in a mini-dress version.

“This dress was so beautiful and fits perfectly,” shares a review. “I found the front ties hard to stay tied without double knotting but it’s still gorgeous! I am 5’4″ and probably around 150lbs right now and got a medium and it fits perfectly. I am smaller chested so the tie on the front helps with the fit!”

Shop Rumored

Rumored Venice Maxi Dress, $, available at Rumored

The Linen Popover Dress

J.Crew Bungalow Popover Dress

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 185 reviews on

In a rush on a warm spring morning? J. Crew’s Bungalow Popover dress is just the dress for you. Made of 100% linen, this frock is made to keep you cool during whatever activity you have in store. Pool time? Pair it with sandals and a floppy sun hat. In-office day? Pop on a camisole, sweater over your shoulders, and your favorite mules or chunky loafers.

“Great little spring/summer dress to wear casually with flats, sneakers, or flip flops and more dressy with a heel. I’m 5’3″ and 130 lbs and the small fit perfectly. The petite small was too short, I bought that size first and had to return it. Love this dress so much in the dot print that I also got in black,” shares a reviewer.

Shop J.Crew

J.Crew Bungalow Popover Dress, $, available at J.Crew

The Girly Boho Dress

Spell Ocean Gown

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 58 reviews on

Even if you’re not at the beach, this girly lace dress will make you feel like you’re on vacation.

“This dress is STUNNING! I purchased the white and wow — so easy to wear and look dressed up — the length is even good if you tend to be on the petite side,” noted a reviewer. “I will definitely be purchasing this in blue next! It is small only around the ribcage – I read the reviews saying to size up – I am 5’3″ 128 lbs and wear a true size 4/S in most brands. I purchased the small – which fit fine but I may try the medium as the small doesn’t give me much room in the ribs…”

Shop Spell At Free People

Spell Ocean Gown, $, available at Free People

The Activewear Summer Mini Dress

Abercrombie & Fitch Women’s Traveler Mini Dress

The Hype: 4.4 out of 5 stars; 740 reviews on

Get ready for your next outdoor tennis match or workout session in an adorable LBD from Abercrombie & Fitch. The mini is designed for seamless workouts with built-in shorts, a hidden cellphone pocket, and adjustable straps.

“This is my fifth traveler dress because I love them so much,” raves a reviewer. “The Traveler style is my favorite athletic dress because of the petite options and overall fit. It’s super flattering, comfortable, and the perfect summer staple.”

Shop Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch Traveler Mini Dress, $, available at Abercrombie

The Work Shirt Dress

Everlane The Daytripper Shirtdress

The Hype: 4.7 out of 5 stars; 135 reviews on

Not everyone is into bright floral frocks for summer, and that’s okay. Everlane, one of our favorite workwear stores, has just the dress for you. This shirt dress has an oversized fit and hits just above the knee for a workplace-appropriate outfit.

“One of my fave shirt dresses for everyday,” exclaims a reviewer. “I wear it to work with a nice pair of sandals or on the weekend with white sneakers. Super comfortable and flattering for any shape. It has a lot of volume and goes to knee length so I would probably not recommend it for a petite person, it might swallow them. But I also recommend sizing down as it does run a bit large. I love that it has pockets. The fabric is good quality and it’s made well.”

Shop Everlane

Everlane The Daytripper Shirtdress, $, available at Everlane

The Flowy Daydreaming Summer Dress

Free People Oasis Midi Dress

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 309 reviews on

We know we already included one Free People dress, but we just had to showcase this dreamy one, too. Waft around your neighborhood this summer in a cloud of style, romance, and lightweight fabric. The Oasis Midi Dress has a flowy silhouette with voluminous elbow-length sleeves that you can wear off the shoulder or on for cottage-core vibes.

“This dress gives major fairy princess vibes, and I love it. It fits a bit big because of the smocking. However, I sized down one size and still had room,” writes a reviewer.

Shop Free People

Free People Oasis Midi Dress, $, available at Free People

The Fan-Favorite Summer Maxi Dress

Anthropologie The Somerset Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 1,701 reviews on

Anthropologie fans love it. Our editors love it. The Somerset Maxi Dress is a cherished style among fashion enthusiasts and a year-round staple piece. There are a plethora of versions, from a luxe velvet version for colder weather to a gorgeous bright patterned versions for summer.

“Who doesn’t love a dress that fits everyone perfectly and that you can dress up or down? The Somerset dress is a staple in anyone’s wardrobe,” a reviewer exclaims. “If you haven’t tried it, please do. I love wearing it with just sneakers and a denim jacket. I styled mine with boots and a leather jacket. Also, the style opportunities for this dress for shoes and accessories are endless.” 

Shop The Somerset Collection At Anthropologie

The Somerset Collection by Anthropologie The Somerset Maxi Dress, $, available at Anthropologie

The Coastal Grandma Dress

Pact Coastal Double Gauze Cami Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.4 out of 5 stars; 56 reviews on

The coastal grandma trend is one that keeps on giving, from linen stripes to draped sweaters to timeless neutrals, we are here for all of it. Pact’s Coastal Double Gauze maxi gets our nod of approval. Made of 100% organic cotton in a Fair Trade Certified factory, it’s a dress you can look good and feel good about purchasing.

“I love this dress so much. It is the perfect summer dress for any occasion. It can be dressed up for dinner or down for a chill day around the house,” says a reviewer. “The fit is perfect. The material is SO comfortable! Absolutely love! Wish I would have purchased it in more colors.”

Shop Pact

PACT Coastal Double Gauze Cami Maxi Dress, $, available at PACT

The Do-Everything Slip Dress

Skims Soft Lounge Long Slip Dress

The Hype: 4.8 out of 5 stars; 3,924 reviews on

Skims is working overtime this summer with the Soft Lounge Long Slip dress that can be thrown on for a trip to the post office or dressed up for a rooftop bar date. This dress can do any occasion. While we R29 editors know and love this Skims slip dress, just look at this fresh new purple plum color that is perfect for spring and summer.

“I am so so so in love with this dress the material is so cool, soft and buttery, it also fits like a glove,” exclaims a reviewer. “My only complaint is it could be a tad longer but I’m tall so it’s ok — my measurements are 5’10″, 128 pounds, size XS.”

Shop Skims

Skims Soft Lounge Long Slip Dress, $, available at Skims

The Animal Print Romper

Hutch Bandeau Romper

The Hype: 4.2 out of 5 stars; 185 reviews on

We’re not all fans of dresses, which is where the good old romper comes in! Hutch’s Bandeau Romper comes in four gorgeous prints, but we love this trendy leopard print for this spring and summer.

“This romper is super cute and fun for the summer. I also found it to be very comfortable — I can run after the puppy and kid or wear it out to brunch,” shares a reviewer. “It runs a bit big — I’m in between a medium and a small and went with the small.”

Shop Hutch At Anthropologie

Hutch Bandeau Romper, $, available at Anthropologie

The Bright Flowy Wedding Guest Dress

Eloquii Satin Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.4 out of 5 stars; 498 reviews on

Barbiecore may have had its time, but we are still loving pink this season. This magenta satin maxi is beautiful for adding colorful elegance to a spring or summer wedding. In fact, many reviewers noted getting compliments on the gown all night long.

“This dress was SO easy to wear and made me feel fantastic! I ordered the dress in black, and jazzed it up with a statement necklace and simple stud earrings,” shares a reviewer. “I felt like I was floating through the air all night with the wispy, flowing skirt and flattering neckline. The dress touched the floor when I was barefoot, and grazed the top of my feet when I put 3″ heels on. Going to the bathroom was a breeze, and I only had to re-tie/tighten the belt once while wearing it for seven hours. Get this dress, even if you don’t have an event to wear it to; it’s perfect to have on hand when you want to dress up and feel sexy.”

Shop Eloquii

Eloquii Satin Maxi Dress, $, available at Eloquii

The Spiced-Up Slip Dress

Meshki Chandra Lace Detail Satin Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.8 out of 5 stars; 185 reviews on

Slip dresses are one of our all-time favorites for their versatility, whatever accessories you pair with the dress can make it suitable for any event. We love Meshki’s Chandra slip dress with the sneaky, but elegant, lace detail.

“This dress is absolutely stunning,” raves a reviewer. “I read reviews before I bought and they said to size down and that’s what I did. It was a perfect fit. There is no stretch to the fabric – but the top is adjustable. I am 5’8″ and the length was perfect.”

Shop Meshki

Meshki Chandra Lace Detail Satin Maxi Dress, $, available at Meshki

The Elevated Summer Cocktail Wedding Guest Dress

Elliatt Cassini Dress

The Hype: 4.1 out of 5 stars; 503 reviews on

We have a dainty floral summer wedding guest dress that suits outdoor soirées and garden parties, but if you have a fancier cocktail event on your agenda, this is the route you’ll want to take. The shiny satin fabric and one-shoulder with side-ruching speak for themselves.

“This dress is a dream! When I saw it online, my jaw dropped to the floor, and the pictures were truly reflective. The dress is very high quality and is tailored in all the right places,” raves a reviewer. “I’m between a four and a 6, and the medium fit perfectly! I couldn’t keep count of how many compliments I got at a wedding. I highly recommended it. It’s worth the extra investment!”

Shop Elliatt At Revolve

ELLIATT Cassini Dress, $, available at Revolve

The Versatile Summer Maxi Dress

Quince Tencel Jersey Tank Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.7 out of 5 stars; 589 reviews on

Are you searching for that timeless summer maxi dress? That one sleek and comfortable piece that you can wear it at home or wear it out for date night. Well, look no further.

“So cute! Perfect with sneakers for a laid-back look or wedges for a more dressed-up style! Just buy it, trust. Size up though, unless you want a super tight bodycon fit,” writes a Quince reviewer. However, a ton of reviewers suggest double-checking the size chart, especially if you’re looking for a roomier or fitted version.

Shop Quince

Quince Tencel Jersey Tank Maxi Dress, $, available at Quince

The Iconic Summer Nap Dress

Hill House Home The Ellie Nap Dress

The Hype: 4.7 out of 5 stars; 573 reviews on

The nap dress is a verified viral trend that rose to stardom in 2020 because of its loose-fitting, comfy, and timeless style for lounging at home. In 2024, we’re still loving  how breezy it is, and keep an eye out for the latest releases of luxe gemstone hues, cottagecore variations, and dainty prints.

“This is lovely. It’s comfortable and I want to wear it everywhere,” exclaims a reviewer. “The neckline is really flattering and despite it being pretty long on me, I found that it looked very cute. I used this for a family photo and it looks perfect.”

Shop Hill House Home

Hill House The Ellie Nap Dress, $, available at Hill House

The Airy Summer Vacay Linen Dress

Magic Linen Royal Toscana Linen Dress

The Hype: 5 out of 5 stars; 417 reviews on

Anything loose, breathable, and lightweight is approved as beach attire. Hence, Magic Linen’s Royal Toscana Linen Dress will become your new favorite linen dress for beach days and lounging by the pool. It has an eye-catching asymmetrical high-low hem, two side pockets, and — an on-theme — coconut button closure on the back.

“I love my Royal Toscana linen dress. It’s great quality and a perfect fit. I seriously can’t wait to wear it to dinner at the beach in July! I just wish I had bought another in a different color,” raves a reviewer.

Shop MagicLinen

Magic Linen Royal Toscana Linen Dress, $, available at Magic Linen

The Cool Girl Summer Knit Dress

Eloquii Intarsia Column Dress

The Hype: 4.7 out of 5 stars; 21 reviews on

Warm weather is all about having fun with your clothing, and what’s more fun than a cool girl print? While knit is usually reserved for winter, Eloquii’s curve-hugging tank knit dress is a statement that will be speaking all spring and summer long with its simple yet chic black and white print.

“This is an amazing dress! It’s not easy wearing sweater dresses — they are not very forgiving — until this one,” shares a reviewer. “It’s very flattering, sexy but also understated, and very versatile. I was gobsmacked when I put it on and it looked so good. I usually go up a size in body con and sweater dresses, but based on reviews I ordered my normal size 18/20 — I did not regret it. For reference I’m 5’4″, 260 lbs, have an hourglass (nipped in waist) with a tummy, dress size 18, 44DDD.”

Shop Eloquii

Eloquii Intarsia Column Dress, $, available at Eloquii

The Statement Work Midi Dress

Asos Curve Tie-Back Pleated Chiffon Midi Dress


The Hype: 4.2 out of 5 stars; 13 reviews on

Some love an understated work look, but being bright in the office isn’t a bad thing, especially in this vibrant cobalt number. Made of lightweight chiffon, this tie-back dress is perfect to keep you cool and looking professional all spring and summer long.

“I’m 5’11 and bottom heavy. Bought this for a wedding and let me tell you this dress slurps,” exclaimed a reviewer. “The A-line is an added flatter to my body type. The quality is good too. I’m still getting excellent reviews 1 week after the wedding. I highly recommend it!”

Shop Asos

ASOS CURVE Curve Tie-Back Pleated Chiffon Midi Dress, $, available at ASOS

The Formal Event Dress

Saylor Meadow Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.2 out of 5 stars; 16 reviews on

Be the belle of the ball at your next outdoor soiree in this fun maxi dress by Saylor. The shimmery flowy gown is sure to keep you easy and breezy while dancing the night away.

“This dress is so beautiful and so comfortable to wear,” remarked a reviewer. “I wore it for my friends wedding and got so many compliments on it. It fit true to size. If is a little long but with heels it was perfect!”

Shop Saylor At Revolve

Saylor Meadow Maxi Dress, $, available at Revolve

The Trendy Dress

Lovers and Friends Marisol Gown

The Hype: 4 out of 5 stars; 4 reviews on
Butter yellow and ruffles are in this season and we love Lovers and Friends’ rendition of the two trends. This elegant chiffon gown will light up any room you enter, the ruffles sashaying with every step.

“This dress is oh so beautiful,” exclaims a reviewer. “It hugs my curves, has a slit up the back to make it easy to walk in and keeps the girlies lifted without a bra. I’m 5’10” and the length is perfect. I definitely recommend it.”

Shop Lovers and Friends At Revolve

Lovers and Friend Marisol Gown, $, available at Revolve

The Perfect Linen Strapless Dress

Favorite Daughter The Favorite Strapless Maxi Dress

The Hype: 5 out of 5 stars; 3 reviews on

I think we can all agree that white linen is a spring and summer staple, but finding that perfect linen dress is sometimes difficult. Enter: Favorite Daughter’s Strapless Maxi dress. This classic is a summer staple that will last you all season through heat waves and coastal winds alike. Plus it has pockets!

“I first purchased this dress in black. I was worried that it wouldn’t stay up. It is gorgeous and it did stay up,” explains a reviewer. “The elastic gathering in the back adopts to your breast size. It is elegant, comfortable, and can be worn any way. I had to buy it in white also. Highly recommend!”

Shop Favorite Daughter At Nordstrom

Favorite Daughter The Favorite Strapless Maxi Dress, $, available at Nordstrom

The Work Shirt Dress

Everlane The Linen Shirt Dress

The Hype: 4.8 out of 5 stars; 4 reviews on

We’re not all into bright floral frocks for summer, and that’s A-okay. Everlane, one of our favorite workwear stores, has just the dress for you. This linen shirt dress has an oversized fit and hits just above the knee for a workplace-appropriate outfit.

“Absolutely adore this dress! Currently have two colors and I’m sure to add to the collection,” exclaimed a reviewer. “It’s such a classic, effortless look for summer. Lots of details – pockets, collar, and full-front buttons for the price! I do find that I often have to size down with Everlane dresses, which I did for this dress.”

Shop Everlane

Everlane The Linen Shirt Dress, $, available at Everlane

The Girly Boho Dress

Spell Cha Cha Soiree Strappy Dress

The Hype: 4.3 out of 5 stars; 10 reviews on

Just because you aren’t at the beach, it doesn’t mean you can’t have that effortless boho beachy style. This girly patchwork-style dress will make you feel like you’re playing mermaids whether you’re on land or at sea.

“Such a gorgeous piece! I sized down from my normal size and it fits perfectly! I am 5’2″ and the dress just grazes the ground,” noted a reviewer.

Shop Spell At Revolve

Spell Cha Cha Soiree Strappy Dress, $, available at Revolve

The Fun And Flirty Active Dress

FP Movement Drop Shot Skortsie

The Hype: 4.3 out of 5 stars; 3 reviews on

Whether you’re hitting the gym or on a hike, this skortsie will brighten any athletic endeavor! The super soft skortsie is chic yet sporty with shorts with pockets for keys or a tennis ball, a criss-cross back detail, and a flirty slit at the front.

“I was kind of skeptical as a curvier girl with a bigger bust, but this skortsie is ADORABLE,” raves a reviewer. “The colors and pattern are unmatched, and although it is expensive, the construction of this piece is beautiful. The seams are super flattering. I am normally a size L but I ordered an XL and definitely could not have fit in a L so I am glad I sized up.”

Shop FP Movement

FP Movement Drop Shot Printed Skortsie, $, available at Free People

The Upgraded Glittery Summer Beach Cover-Up

Skims Glitter Swim Metallic Dress

The Hype: 5 out of 5 stars; 7 reviews on

Next time you prep for the beach, leave your oversized T-shirt and pull-on shorts behind and opt for an upgraded beach cover-up. Skims has designed a shimmering figure-hugging pink mini dress that’ll make you glisten as you step out of the water and into the one-piece. It features a comfortable scoop neckline, racerback straps, and edgy back cutouts.

“I love this dress. The fit is great, and the glitter is very delicate. I bought this dress in multiple colors and plan to keep them all,” exclaims a reviewer. “The dress can easily be worn as an evening dress with a jacket on top.”

Shop Skims

Skims Glitter Swim Metallic Dress, $, available at Skims

The Tropical Getaway Dress

Farm Rio Floral Tiered Maxi Dress

The Hype: 5 out of 5 stars; 1 review on

If you can’t take a summer vacation somewhere tropical, Farm Rio’s floral tiered maxi will bring the tropical to you!

“LOVE!! Ordered a size up bc I’m currently breastfeeding. It fits perfectly over the chest. FYI there is a side zipper but didn’t have an issue pulling over the head since I’d ordered up a size. Straps are adjustable too so this makes the dress easier to fit a variety of sizes.”

Shop Farm Rio

Farm Rio Floral Tiered Maxi Dress, $, available at Net-A-Porter

The Greek Goddess Summer

Express One Shoulder Twist Front Pleated Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 8 reviews on

This ethereal chiffon maxi has elegant pleats with a graceful twist at the waist for statement details.

“Very classy for weddings and special events, maybe even as a casual wedding dress. The dress has found a place in my closet. I’m prepared for the next upscale event. It has no stretch and the fit is formal. I’m 189 pounds, bust 40C so I ordered a large and it fits perfectly.”

Shop Express

Express One Shoulder Twist Front Pleated Maxi Dress, $, available at Express

The Effortless Summer Shirt Dress

Universal Standard Dune Linen Shirt Dress

The Hype: 4.7 out of 5 stars; 97 reviews on

Universal Standard’s shirtdress is ideal when you want to look put together with limited effort. Throw it on before running errands, for afternoon coffee dates when you’ve been WFH in your PJs till 2 p.m., or any other time you want to look comfortable and chic in a second. The collar also adds a polished touch.

“I’ve been looking for a linen dress for summer, and I’ve had my eye on this one for a while,” writes a reviewer. “I like everything about it: It’s lightweight enough not to be too hot but not see-through. The fabric is softer than the linen feel and is not scratchy. I’m so glad it has pockets too.”

Shop Universal Standard

Universal Standard Dune Linen Shirt Dress, $, available at Universal Standard

The Workwear-Approved Summer Dress

Everlane The Linen Workwear Dress

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 125 reviews on

Have you ever wished your beloved summer shirt could be made a bit longer into a dress? Everlane must have heard your wishes because the brand has done just that with its breathable Linen Workwear Dress. Its classic notched collar, knee-length button front, and utility-inspired pockets make it a must-have for hot summer and off-duty days in the office.

“I always wear this in warm weather, to my office with nice shoes and accessories, or to the beach with flip-flops, etc. I personally would love a few green colors for this dress,” writes a reviewer.

Shop Everlane

Everlane The Linen Workwear Dress, $, available at Everlane

The Boho Beachy Dress

Spell Iluka Crochet Midi Dress

The Hype: 4.2 out of 5 stars; 4 reviews on

Just because you aren’t at the beach, it doesn’t mean you can’t have that effortless beachy style. This delicate crocheted dress will make you feel like you’re playing mermaids whether you’re on land or at sea.

“I was surprised about how much I loved this dress when I put it on,” said a reviewer. “It’s comfortable and sexy. Can be dressed up or down and quality is great.”

Shop Spell

Spell Iluka Crochet Midi Dress, $, available at Spell

The Picnic Perfect Dress

Saylor Sabine Dress

The Hype: 5 out of 5 stars; 1 review on

Look like a summertime goddess at your next outdoor soiree in this green gingham midi by Saylor. The flowy gown is sure to keep you easy and breezy while the gingham will hide any minor spills of rosé

A reviewer remarked that she “love[s] the shape of the dress, [it’s] very flattering as well as the pattern. It’s perfect for spring/summer! Can’t wait to wear it all summer long!”

Shop Saylor

Saylor Sabine Dress, $, available at Saylor

The Eco-Friendly Summer Dress

Pact Fit & Flare Strappy Dress

The Hype: 4.2 out of 5 stars; 143 reviews on

For those looking for the best eco-friendly summer dress out there, Pact is always our go-to for earth-friendly organic cotton. If an airy cotton summer dress is at the top of your shopping list, then you’ll want to buy Pact’s Fit & Flare Maxi. It doesn’t hurt that this universally flattering style has a comfy elastic waistline and two on-seam pockets for extra support and utility.

“This dress is super comfortable! The cotton is similar to Pact’s other cotton fabrics and is a thicker/heavier weight than conventional fabrics. I’m 5’7″, and the medium hit right at my ankles,” shares a reviewer. “It’s super cute for daily wear or occasions, but it isn’t the best look with heels because I prefer a slightly longer cut for that. Excited to wear this in transitional weather at work and at home!”

Shop Pact

PACT Fit & Flare Crossback Maxi Dress, $, available at PACT

The Trendy Utility-Inspired Summer Mini Dress

J.Crew Zip-Front Chino Dress

The Hype: 4.4 out of 5 stars; 84 reviews on

All things utilitarian is a top 2023 fashion trend, and what better way to tap into the sensation than a comfy fitted zip-front chino dress? A carousel of trendy summer dresses here we come.

“J. Crew – Please never stop offering this dress to your customers. It is truly incredible, beyond flattering! It makes me look a little more proportional than I am,” raves a reviewer. “I NEED this in more colors; please keep this style going!!! Anyone out there who wants an awesome casual yet versatile dress, buy this if you can! You won’t regret it!”

Shop J.Crew

J.Crew Zip-Front Chino Dress, $, available at J.Crew

The Dainty Figure-Hugging Summer Maxi Dress

Summersalt The Ribbed Tie-Shoulder Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 50 reviews on

Ready to slip into the softest maxi dress ever? Summersalt has created the upgraded version of your go-to figure-hugging ribbed maxi with cotton poplin shoulder straps and contrasting color ties. “I absolutely love everything about this dress! So much so that I got it in two colors, blue and black! I also bought the tank version in red. I’ll receive that in the mail soon,” raves a reviewer. “The fit, fabric, and bows are all amazing! It’s a must-have for my closet to throw on when I feel like I have nothing to wear. It can be dressed up or down. It’s truly amazing!”

Shop Summersalt

Summersalt The Softest Ribbed Tie-Shoulder Maxi Dress, $, available at Summersalt

The Subtle Statement Date-Night Summer Midi Dress

Asos Design Curve Soft Embroidered Godet Flared Sleeve Midi Skater Dress

The Hype: 4.8 out of 5 stars; 19 reviews on

Exude a graceful yet luxe vibe in this flowy midnight black silhouette. The colorful floral embroidery adds an eye-catching aside from the plunging neckline. It’s a dress no one will ever forget on a date night.

“A one-of-a-kind gorgeous dress. It’s well-made and flattering. One thing to be aware of is that it has a very low cut, but it can be modified with a small piece of fabric or bandeau top underneath,” shares a reviewer.

Shop Asos

ASOS DESIGN Curve Soft Embroidered Godet Flared Sleeve Midi Skater Dress, $, available at ASOS

The Summer-In-A-Bottle Dress

Eloquii Apricot Blossom Print Slip Dress

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 26 reviews on

You’re not looking at any ordinary slip dress. Behold the most adorable floral frock, dusted with specks of blush pink, sun-kissed orange, and white. The piece is chock-full of pretty details, so you don’t have to focus too much on additional accessories.

“This dress is beautiful. It glides over the body perfectly. Very flattering. The material is gorgeous and feels great on the body. I am so happy with it,” writes a reviewer.

Shop Eloquii

Eloquii Slip Dress, $, available at Eloquii

The Pretty In Pink Summer Mini Dress

Good American Compression Shine Tube Dress

The Hype: 5 out of 5 stars; 3 reviews on

Give Barbie a run for her money in a glossy fuchsia tube mini dress — it exudes Y2K celeb vibes. The hot pink dress is designed to make you feel confident by sculpting your body and hugging you in all the right places. It’s Barbiecore with a bit of sultry, and perfect for warm summer nights.

“It fits perfectly, and I feel so positive wearing the beautiful pink,” exclaims a reviewer. Others agree and describe how they love the hot pink sheen and that it makes them feel more confident.

Shop Good American at Revolve

Good American Compression Shine Tube Dress, $, available at Revolve

The Sweet Floral Summer Midi Dress

Free People Forget Me Not Midi Dress

The Hype: 4.2 out of 5 stars; 61 reviews

Free People understood the assignment when labeling its flowy floral dress the Forget Me Not. Every detail about it exudes sweetness, from the delicate floral print and smocked waist to the capped sleeves and peekaboo tie at the back.

“I purchased this dress in the Free People store in the blue color, and it is absolutely beautiful. I’m also considering purchasing the pink one,” exclaims a reviewer. “The front fits perfectly, and the low, open back is sexy. I’m looking forward to the warmer weather to wear it out on dates with my husband.”

Shop Free People

Free People Forget Me Not Midi Dress, $, available at Free People

The Freewheelin’ Frock

Linenfox Nida Watermelon Linen Dress

The Hype: 5 out of 5 stars; 17,786 reviews on

The forgiving silhouette and convertible belt of this easy linen dress mean it can be styled to the wearer’s specifications. Reviewers adore how you can adjust the waist and make it tighter or looser, depending on their mood. “The fabric is gorgeous, with a beautiful drape. It’s a very simple shape with a lot of fabric; the belt is what gives it shape and you can fuss with the fabric to make it lay right so it flatters your particular shape,” writes one reviewer.

Shop Linenfox At Etsy

Linenfox Nida Dress, $, available at Etsy

The Silky “Special Event” Shirt Dress

Abercrombie & Fitch Long-Sleeve Twist-Front Shirt Dress

The Hype: out of 5 stars; 11 reviews on

Why does it always seem like you suddenly have nothing to wear when there’s a social event? Before it happens, prep yourself with Abercrombie & Fitch’s silky long-sleeve shirt dress. You’ll be ready whether it’s a friend’s birthday, an engagement party, a work event, or a special dinner. “I bought this for my birthday dinner and absolutely loved it! It’s classy but still fun. I’ll definitely get more than one wear out of it,” exclaims a reviewer.

Shop Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie Long-Sleeve Twist-Front Shirt Dress, $, available at Abercrombie & Fitch

The Pool-Approved Summer Maxi Dress

Madewell Lightestspun Cover-Up Maxi Shirtdress

The Hype: 3.8 out of 5 stars; 32 reviews on

Don’t run away! We know you see a 3.8, but this Madewell dress deserves your attention — especially if you’re planning an island vacay. It’s a loose, feather-light frock made from the brand’s Lightspun double gauze fabric. Since certain colors like ivory are a bit see-through, we recommend styling it over your colorful printed bathing suits en route to the beach. The slightly oversized one-piece has buttons going down, making it easy to get in and out, which is vacay-approved.

“At first glance, I thought this would look like a bathrobe. But, no! It has great lines. Super simple and elegant. Dress it up or down. It works as a maxi shirt dress or a duster/coverup. Material is soft and gauzy but substantial,” writes a reviewer.

Shop Madewell

Madewell Lightestspun Cover-Up Maxi Shirtdress, $, available at Madewell

The Dreamy Floral Number

The Hype:

Stay breezy in this delicate floral dress with flutter sleeves and an asymmetrical hem. Reviewers rave that it’s a gorgeous number for engagement photos, summer weddings, and dates.

Shop & Other Stories

& Other Stories Babydoll Tied Sleeve Detail Dress, $, available at & Other Stories

The Travel Companion

Toad&Co Sunkissed Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars, 207 reviews on

This whimsical floral-printed dress boasts scores of glowing reviews that praise the frock for its high-performance, sweat-wicking, and rumple-proof qualities. With UPF fabric that provides excellent sun protection and a quick-drying, anti-wrinkle nylon fabrication, this durable and flattering dress is a stylish option for travel and outdoor activity. “Love this dress. The fabric is so lightweight and comfortable. I have worn it on vacation at the beach as well as traveling on the plane and walking around in NOLA when it was 100 degrees,” writes one reviewer. “At first, I thought it was going to be very wrinkly based on how it looked when I received it, but after hanging up for a few hours the wrinkles were gone which also makes it a perfect travel dress. Always receive compliments when I wear it.”

Shop Toad&Co

Toad&Co Sunkissed Maxi Dress, $, available at Toad&Co

The Summer Garden Party Wedding Guest Dress

Eliza J Floral Ruched Chiffon Faux Wrap Dress

The Hype: 4 out of 5 stars; 125 reviews on

Look pretty in pink at upcoming weddings in a dreamy flowery wrap dress. The delicate ruffles, ruching, and sash add that romantic flair that coincides perfectly with a happy nuptial.

“I love Eliza J dresses; this is the first time I’ve tried a ‘special occasion’ dress from this brand. The dress is much pinker in person than blush. It’s still pretty but pinker than I was expecting,” shares a reviewer. “This dress looks modest below-the-knee length, but the slip underneath the shear outer layer is short- WAY above the knee. Basically, the ruffle portion is totally sheer. So you look modest standing there, but if there is sunlight behind you, and you don’t have your knees together, wow, it’s super sexy. Not a problem per se, but something to be aware of.”

Shop Eliza J at Nordstrom

Eliza J. Floral Ruched Chiffon Faux Wrap Dress, $, available at Nordstrom

The Iconic Summer Nap Dress

Hill House Home The Ellie Nap Dress

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 204 reviews on

The nap dress is a verified viral trend that rose to stardom in 2020 because of its loose-fitting, comfy, and timeless style for lounging at home. In 2023, we’re still obsessed with how breezy it is, and keep an eye out for the latest releases of luxe gemstone hues, cottagecore variations, and regal prints.

“I am shocked. This dress is super flattering, and the straps are just magnificent! They stay up and make the dress feel elegant and regal,” exclaims a reviewer. “It’s definitely a must-buy! I love how you can dress it up or down!! Also, you can wear a bra with straps because it gets covered by the dress’s straps! Very impressed.”

Shop Hill House Home

Hill House Home The Ellie Nap Dress, $, available at Hill House Home

The Comfiest

YesNo Cotton Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4 out of 5 stars; 375 reviews on

The soft fabrication and accommodating silhouette of this pajama-like Amazon number earned it glowing reviews from comfort-seeking customers. “I read all the reviews before purchasing. I am 5’ 3 and very top-heavy. I bought the large and it fits well, it is a tiny bit tight across the very top edge but actually works well for me because often times if I order larger there is too much of a gap under my armpits. My bra band size is smallish: 34,” writes one reviewer. “For me, this is the perfect dress for hot weather, for lounging at the house, watering outside and I am sure it will look adorable in cooler weather with a cardigan or jacket. I am buying my second one now.”

Shop YesNo on Amazon

YESNO Cotton Maxi Dress, $, available at Amazon

The Tropical Getaway Dress

Farm Rio Summer Garden Cotton Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.4 out of 5 stars; 9 reviews on

If you can’t take a summer vacation somewhere tropical, Farm Rio’s summer garden maxi will bring the tropical to you!

“This dress is sensational! It is so well made and feels and looks like an original. It’s the perfect fit that even women at my height (5’4″) can wear with heels. I didn’t need to make a single change and the price point is terrific! Looks like a $750 dress!”

Shop Farm Rio

Farm Rio Summer Garden Cotton Maxi Dress, $, available at Bloomingdale’s

The Wardrobe Essential

Surplice Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 1,317 reviews on

This floral dress is winning rave reviews from over a thousand highly satisfied customers. Reviewers say it’s the type of frock that can be transformed into almost any look with the right accessories and wears with the utmost elegance and ease. “This dress is everything I wanted and nothing I don’t. Simple, drapes well. The material is your standard summer maxi stretchy matte cotton,” writes one reviewer. “The V isn’t so deep that you need a cami to cover cleavage at work. The sleeves are long enough to not be sleeveless but close enough to be cool. The armholes are blessedly normal-sized and not gaping.”

Shop Amazon

Amazon Essentials Plus Size Surplice Maxi Dress, $, available at Amazon

A Comfy Day Dress

Cross Front Flutter Sleeve Dress

The Hype: 4.1 out of 5 stars; 324 reviews on

Women size 12 and up sing the praises of Eloquii’s bright green dress, citing a fabric weight suited for year-round wear and expert, flattering tailoring. “Thick and stretchy material was perfect. I paired with sneakers for a casual look and was so glad that substantial shapewear wasn’t needed,” writes one reviewer. “Great dress for church and work. It’s a little roomy, [so] size down if you want a more snug fit,” another reviewer shares.

Shop Eloquii

Eloquii Cross Front Flutter Sleeve Dress, $, available at Eloquii

The Sultry Date-Night Dress

Asymmetrical One-Shoulder Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 37 reviews on

Slip into this figure-hugging maxi dress and be amazed as the stretch-enhanced crepe fabric hugs your curves. The thigh-high side-slit detail and single-strap shoulder add a flirty touch for a date night or wedding guest dress. “Anyone who wants to show their figure off with a tight and slim fit (also legs!), this is the dress for you,” shares a reviewer. “I wore it to an outdoor wedding, and it was perfect for outdoor late spring temp. I’m 5’3, and the regular fit was perfect.”

Shop Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch Asymmetrical One-Shoulder Maxi Dress, $, available at Abercrombie & Fitch

The Dainty Denim Mini Dress

The Denim Puff-Sleeve Mini Dress In Dawnshire Wash

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 15 reviews on

Denim dresses exude retro vibes. Yet, this mini also adds puff sleeves, ruched shoulders, and princess seams for a delicate, but romantic appearance. “This dress is my dream come true. Right when I saw it — I knew I had to have it,” exclaims a reviewer. “Form-fitting, feminine, delicate, it’s a beautiful and flattering piece of clothing. The wide neckline makes choosing a bra semi-difficult, but it’s so worth it otherwise! Perfect length and silhouette. Can you tell I’m obsessed?”

Shop Madewell

Madewell Denim Puff-Sleeve Mini Dress, $, available at Madewell

The Effortless Linen Midi Dress

Woven Linen Dress

The Hype: 5 out of 5 stars; 3 reviews on

The Woven Linen dress is new to the summer frock game. However, it’s a classic staple not to be overlooked. It features a clean square neckline with a flattering low-back design. “This won’t be just sleepwear once it gets hot this summer,” writes a reviewer. “This is a great body-skimming dress with a flattering cut, lovely soft linen fabric — the only thing wrong is that more colors are needed. Overall, it’s a terrific summer dress, not just for bedtime.” Meet your new versatile soft, and lightweight dress.

Shop Lunya

Lunya Woven Linen Dress, $, available at Lunya

The Greek Goddess Summer

Love By Design Athen Plunging V-Neck Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4 out of 5 stars; 88 reviews on

The ethereal chiffon maxi has elegant pleats with a deep V-neck and thigh-high slit for statement details. It also comes in seven colors ranging from neutrals to punch summer tones.

“Obsessed with this dress! I got it for a formal law school event, and this color makes me feel like Elsa if she were a Greek goddess. I read the reviews and searched for a size chart and I’m usually a size ten and got the XL. The dress fits perfectly, does not touch the floor when wearing heels (I am 5’6”), and the shoulders stay in place,” writes a reviewer. “I plan on getting some fashion tape to ensure the neckline does not move, but this is the perfect mix of formal and sexy to remind everyone that you’re super hot!”

Shop Love by Design at Nordstrom Rack

Love by Design Athen Plunging V-Neck Maxi Dress, $, available at Nordstrom Rack

The Tropical Vacay Maxi Dress

Farm x Anthropologie Poppy Print Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 17 reviews on

As you prep for your last-minute summer vacays, don’t forget this whimsical floral frock. Not only will you fall head over heels with the hues, but the flowy silhouette and balloon sleeves will entice you to twirl in circles with a drink in hand. “Have you ever tried on a dress that immediately made you smile and want to dance around in it? This is the one,” writes a reviewer. “The vivid colors are joyful, and the silky fabric is very comfortable. I am 5’9 and typically wear a large, but I bought a medium. I love this bright and happy dress.”

Shop Farm Rio at Anthropologie

Farm Rio Poppy Print Maxi Dress, $, available at Anthropologie

The Twirly Long-Sleeve Mini Dress

Wilfred Daydreamer Mini Dress

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 109 reviews on Aritzia.coms
Throw the stereotypical idea of a fitted minidress out the window. This semi-sheer chiffon piece will change your mind. You won’t be able to help twirling in circles with the airy, lightweight fabric. The long sleeves are loose with elastic cuffs, and it charmingly drapes around your silhouette with accordion pleats. In addition, you can pick from various pastel hues like pale yellow, lavender, sage green, and dainty floral prints. “Loved the look when I put on the dress! The fabric was very comfortable on the skin, the size was right, the length was around mid-thigh (just where I wanted), and the dress can be very versatile. I imagine myself wearing this to a dinner, to hangouts, to work. I even tried the dress with a belt on, it looks great too! Highly recommend to the ladies who are looking for a spring or summer dress,” writes a reviewer.

Shop Wilfred at Aritzia

Wilfred Daydreamer Mini Dress, $, available at Aritzia

A Buttery Soft One-Stop-Shop Dress

All Aligned Midi Dress

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 150 reviews on

If you adore how soft your Lululemon Align leggings are, then you have to add the midi dress version to your collection. The slim-fit style deserves its section in your wardrobe — just don’t be surprised when you begin collecting the piece in various hues. “I originally bought this in black, not knowing what size to order so I chose my usual size 4, and loved it so much I ordered the other 2 colors IMMEDIATELY. This dress is perfection. It’s nice and fitted without being too clingy… I’m 49 and feel extremely sexy when wearing this dress,” shares a reviewer. “I want it in every color and many more. Please make more colors and more stock!! The dress is extremely versatile and can easily be dressed up or down. The fitted part is exactly what I want in a summer dress. Lulu you did great with this one. I would suggest going with your align size or a size up if you are on the fence. It is tight in the stomach area.”

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon All Aligned Midi Dress, $, available at Lululemon

The Timeless White Dress

Tiered Dress In Broken-In Jersey

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 97 reviews

Do you have a loose house dress that has a special place in your wardrobe? This tiered frock is your beloved effortless nap dress in a mini version. It’s made out of soft cotton and falls right above the knee for a perfect day dress. “Stopped in my local store the other day and saw this dress on the mannequin. At first, it seemed a little too young. But, I tried it on in white and fell in love,” writes a reviewer. “The white is a little see-through but I plan on wearing with a nude slip if I go out and as a cover-up as well. I love how versatile it is. It feels flirty and sweet and that is a good thing no matter the age. The material is light but not weak. I normally wear a small and I went with the small. I may purchase another color.”

Shop J.Crew

J.Crew Tiered Dress In Broken-In Jersey, $, available at J.Crew

ASTR The Label Floral Print Dress

The Hype: 4.0 out of 5 stars; 204 reviews on

Plus, the piece is made out of polyester, so you know that it’ll be lightweight and breathable during the heat. “Beautiful dress! I wore it to a wedding and got SO many compliments and people asking where I bought it,” exclaims a reviewer. “The back zips about halfway then there is a clasp at the top. Some gathering on one side and an asymmetrical bottom, with a V neck liner. It flows very well! For reference, I am 5’7″, 123 lbs and 32A.”

Shop ASTR The Label at Nordstorm

ASTR The Label Floral Print Dress, $, available at Nordstrom

The Chameleon

The Japanese GoWeave Slip Dress

The Hype: 4.33 out of 5 stars; 18 reviews on

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s — the most deceptively perfect dress that Everlane has ever produced? With a flawless silhouette and minimal details, reviewers find that this loose, easy slip dress is a key wardrobe staple. “I love this dress. Definitely relaxed fit, but I like that in the warmer weather. The fabric feels pretty substantial and drapes well. I probably could have purchased a size smaller, but I went with my usual size. Glad I did — [I] like the looser fit. The button in the back is a pretty detail too,” writes one reviewer. “Love this dress! It will make you feel slinky and amazing! The fabric is a dream — drapey yet light. It is lined, but the layers hang beautifully and it doesn’t feel heavy at all,” another reviewer shares.

Shop Everlane

Everlane The Japanese GoWeave Slip Dress, $, available at Everlane

Poplin Shirtdress

The Hype: 4 out of 5 stars; 49 reviews on

Banana Republic’s. “I like tailored-style clothing, so glad to find this. I think I can dress it up or down a bit in my casual wardrobe. I like that it is all cotton; I live in Texas! I did not buy a petite as I wanted the length. In front, it hits just above my knees.,” writes one reviewer. They also found that it offered comfort and style and instantly created a put-together look. “I stood in front of the mirror for quite some time trying to make a decision on this one…love the stripes and shirt details. Can’t put into words the way this classic shirt dress feels more elevated compared to others…might be the collar and cut,” another reviewer shares.

Shop Banana Republic

Banana Republic Poplin Shirtdress, $, available at Banana Republic

A Dreamy Number

Presidio Dress

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 1,075 reviews on

Rely on this airy dress for your next casual date-night outfit, vacation, or a picnic outing. The pastel hue, high-low hem, and racer-back detail give off an unforgettable romantic vibe. “I have this dress in two colors! It is my go-to for weekends. I can dress it up for brunch or dress it down for errands.” They made sure to emphasize arguably the best part: Pockets. “Love this dress and the material is great! I have worn it belted for a more fitted look as well and it’s super cute. Runs big, I ordered a petite small and could have ordered an XS, but it works. I’m 5’1″ 130 lbs,” said another reviewer, sharing a different way to style the piece for a more fitted appearance.

Shop Athleta

Athleta Presidio Dress, $, available at Athleta

The Animal Print Dress That Saves The Day

Trendy Plus Size Shirt Dress

The Hype: 4.2 out of 5 stars; 8 reviews on

The transition from spring to summer is unpredictable, as the temperature could easily spike up within a day. That’s where Nina Parker’s leopard-print dress comes in to save the day. “The picture of this dress is a little off. It’s more beautiful in person,” writes one reviewer who assures viewers that they wouldn’t be disappointed when they receive their dress. “Material & how it flows! Worth every penny!!” The sheer piece is breathable and all you need is a slip underneath. “This dress is everything. It was delivered today and I tried it on immediately. I normally wear a 1X but ordered the OX. The fit and quality are perfect. This is a very versatile dress,” another reviewer shares.

Shop Nina Parker at Macy’s

Nina Parker Trendy Plus Size Shirt Dress, $, available at Macy’s

The Flowy Daydreaming Dress

A New Day Long Sleeve Tiered Dress

The Hype: 4 out of 5 stars; 109 reviews on

If so, Target has the dress designed for you — reviewers praised this frock’s easy fit, soft hand-feel, and flattering tiered look. “This is such a great find! I love this dress. Great length and styling. I’m 5’2”, have a pear-shaped figure and the XS fit perfect. Someone else suggested buying based on chest measurement, and that was accurate. My bust is 32.5” and the chest fits great with just a bit more room to spare. My usual size is a Small, or size 4,” writes one reviewer. “The fabric was very upscale and the cut was perfect. I need this is many more colors—preference to solids and some monochrome prints,” another reviewer shares.

Shop Target

A New Day Long Sleeve Tiered Dress, $, available at Target

The Budget Rib-Knit

Fitted Rib-Knit Midi Cami Shift Dress

The Hype: 4.9 out of 5 stars; 456 reviews on

The ribbed fabric is a playful nod to early-aughts fashion with a super-soft feel. Plus, knitwear simply looks expensive. This midi from Old Navy checks all the style boxes at only $32. “Very happy with this purchase. It’s adorable and flattering, and it’s super comfy. I love the color and it’s easy to accessorize,” writes one reviewer. “These dresses are so comfortable and cute! They have great stretch. I ordered one in almost every color,” another reviewer shares. If you were curious, this number also comes in four additional shades.

Shop Old Navy

Old Navy Fitted Rib-Knit Midi Cami Shift Dress, $, available at Old Navy

The Barely-There

Lunya Washable Silk Slipdress

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 373 reviews on

Enthusiasts of ’90s minimalism should add this restrained silk slip dress to their carts ASAP. Loose and forgiving while still possessing an impossible chic, this is the perfect dress for rolling out of bed and hitting the streets on a sweltering Saturday morning. (We choose to show you the back because we’re especially obsessed with the adjustable “T” strap detail.) “I received my silk slip dress and it was more lovely than I could have hoped. It fits like a dream and feels amazing,” writes one reviewer. They even reveal that the silky dress has a hidden feature: pockets. “I am also delighted with the pockets that not only fit my phone… but are hidden in the flow of the dress, so the silhouette is not ruined when you stuff them full. It’s my new go-to for an easy and sophisticated outfit.”

Shop Lunya

Lunya Washable Silk Slip Dress, $, available at Lunya

The Best-Kept Secret

Philosophy Cashmere Sleeveless Jersey Midi Dress

The Hype: 4.4 out of 5 stars; 354 reviews on

Summer after summer, we watch this lightweight jersey tank dress sell out on Nordstrom Rack, and the reviews continue to pile up. Savvy shoppers know that this under-$20 hidden gem is worth buying up in multiples — it’s the kind of frock you’ll wear all summer long. “The sale price may give you pause, but you’d be missing out, I cannot believe how perfect this dress is for summer fun,” writes one reviewer who even bought four out of the six colors. “The fabric has body so that it drapes and doesn’t cling. The scoop neck is in the right position for someone who doesn’t want to much cleavage showing. A perfect day to evening dress.”

Shop Nordstrom Rack

Philosophy Cashmere Scoop Neck Midi Tank Dress, $, available at Nordstrom Rack

The Miracle-Worker

Side-Ruched Bodycon Dress

The Hype: 4.4 out of 5 stars; 322 reviews on

Every body is a work of art, but we’ve all struggled to see the beauty in our own forms, especially as women. This simple dress boasts strategically-placed ruching that helped to restore a reviewer’s confidence in herself — and that is truly a beautiful thing. “I’m not a dressy person and have always wanted to try a t-shirt dress. Most dresses are either too boxy, or the body-con are too revealing for my taste. I’m middle-aged with children, so body has many, many imperfections,” writes one reviewer. “I had no expectations for this dress when I purchased. I was greatly surprised at how forgiving it really is. The ruched side really helps to hide those imperfections. I wear with tennis shoes or sandals and throw a jean jacket on to keep it casual looking.”

Shop Treasure & Bond at Nordstrom

Treasure & Bond Side Ruched Body-Con Dress, $, available at Nordstrom

The Most Magical Dress

FP One Adella Slip

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 295 reviews on

This isn’t the first time that Free People’s “Adella” silhouette has made it into a Hype Machine — the bodice-only iteration of this top-selling dress can be found in our roundup of comfortable cotton bras. (We were skeptical, but the reviews don’t lie.) For such a delicate-looking confection, reviewers from sizes XS to XL say the Adella Slip is well-fitting and supportive, so clearly there’s some magic at play. “I bought this dress late last fall. Since then this beautiful number and I have adventured, laughed, cried, slayed, over shared, and all the while she is just as luxurious as the day we met,” writes one reviewer who praises the magical piece. “The lace that adorns her bodice was at first something I thought I’d have to overcome. I can say with certainty that the lace isn’t simply lace, but somehow armor as protective as it is sexy. Amazingly enough, the skirt is fit for a queen, soft and somehow workable.”

Shop Free People

FP One Adella Maxi Slip, $, available at Free People

The Wear-Anywhere Workout Dress

Aerie OFFLINE Real Me Ruffle Dress

The Hype: 4.1 out of 5 stars; 49 reviews on

When temps start reaching extreme heights, all we want to do is reach for easy-breezy, sweat-wicking frocks. “I’ve been wanting an exercise dress for a while now, and I decided to pull the trigger and get this one and I absolutely love it! The pattern is so cute and the dress is perfect for running errands, going on a hike, or just [wearing] around the house! The shorts underneath are very comfy and the back is adorable,” writes one reviewer. Throw this swingy piece on for a workout session, or dress it up for a summer evening out. “Wouldn’t be shocked if this dress went TikTok viral. Grab it before it sells out! You won’t regret it,” another reviewer raves about the style. “It’s sooo flattering and comfy as heck!! I’ve been wanting an exercise dress for a while and this is the one right here.”

Shop Aerie

AE, Aerie OFFLINE By Aerie Real Me Ruffle Dress, $, available at AE

The Effortless Rainbow Dress

Farm Rio Halter Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4 out of 5 stars; 64 reviews on

Calling all maximalists! The whimsical prints and brilliant hues adorning this elegant number will fit right into your high-key wardrobes. “Beautiful silk fabric dress which cuts into the shoulders to compliment this stylish look. This is a knockout dress for any occasion,” writes one reviewer, who mentioned that they wore it to a wedding, a birthday party, and a summer wine event — in sum, it’s truly a versatile style. “The colors in the exploded floral do not disappoint, vibrant and beautiful. Fabric has a luxurious feel to it. I do feel the skirt part of the dress is voluminous but it adds to the statement of the piece. Highly recommend!”

Shop Farm Rio at Anthropologie

Farm Rio Halter Maxi Dress, $, available at Anthropologie

A Summer Picnic Frock

Julia Stripe Bungalow Midi Dress

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 8 reviews on

Some days you’re just searching for a clean-cut dress in your closet with all the details so you can slip into your favorite sandals and head out the door. Kate Spade’s striped woven Bungalow dress was born for such days. It has countless eye-catching accents, like an A-line skirt with gathered pleats, three-quarter-length wide sleeves, a relaxed-fit collar, and an accompanying belt. “I bought this a couple of weeks ago and absolutely love it! It is very comfortable and just goes with everything, you could have a lot of fun with this dress. I would highly recommend sizing down about 1-2 sizes because this runs very big,” writes a reviewer.

Shop Kate Spade

Kate Spade Julia Stripe Bungalow Midi Dress, $, available at Kate Spade

A Modern ’90s Denim Dress

Tiered Denim Squareneck Dress

The Hype: 5 out of 5 stars; 11 reviews on

Denim dresses are no longer stuffy and rigid. Now they’re made out of soft and breathable cotton that allows for comfort and mobility. “I love this dress! It looks exactly what is shown in the picture. The squareneck is what sold me, it’s perfect for the spring and summer. I purchased my usual size and it fits like a glove,” writes one reviewer. (The only thing they wished was that the frock had pockets — don’t we all.) “This is the PERFECT spring/summer dress! Lightweight, classic fit, and great quality material. I did find the arm holes and chest to run a little small — I’m 5’6″, ~150 lbs, 34B and sized up to an 8 from my usual 6. Fits like a glove. Can’t wait to start wearing this,” another reviewer shares.

Shop J.Crew

J.Crew Tiered Denim Squareneck Dress, $, available at J.Crew

The TikTok-Approved Dress

Cora Linen Open Back Midi Dress

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 17 reviews on

Do you know the difference between angelcore and goblincore? What about dark academia and light academia? If you’re curious about the world of internet “aesthetics” — which are tirelessly cataloged on Tumblr, TikTok, and this user-generated Wiki — we suggest trying this dress on for size. We think it will fall into more than one category. “Really great cottagecore vibes! The dress is gorgeous and I love the back since it adds flexibility in sizing,” writes one reviewer. “I bought this dress a little concerned because of the reviews mentioning the bust portion. I wear a DD, and I feel like this fit me just right. The back does take some adjusting to get the perfect fit, but I think that allows for a more adjustable fit,” another reviewer shares.

Shop Urban Outfitters

Urban Outfitters Cora Linen Open Back Midi Dress, $, available at Urban Outfitters

The Superwoman Dress

All Yours Tank Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.3 out of 5 stars; 107 reviews on

With a floaty, A-line silhouette and a Pima cotton and lyocell fabrication, this unassuming tank dress gives wearers style superpowers — even in the sweaty warmer months. “So much love for this dress. It’s so soft and drapes nicely. I have already worn it a few times working from home, adding tights and a cardigan for winter warmth. Can‘t wait to wear it in the warmer weather,” writes one reviewer. “Great summer dress. Lightweight, loose fit, and great color (bought the burnt orange). Will definitely be wearing this for steamy summer days to stay cool,” another reviewer shares.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon All Yours Tank Maxi Dress, $, available at Lululemon

The Most Likely To Sell Out

Voluminous Linen-Blend Dress

The Hype: 4 out of 5 stars; 147 reviews on

H&M’s greatest hits are known to vanish from the brand’s website in a puff of smoke the moment its savvy customer base catches wind of a must-have. This lime-green A-line number is just the silhouette we’re looking for this spring and summer — which means that a lot of other shoppers are, too. Grab it before the womp-womp “Out of Stock” notification is all that’s left on the drop-down menu. “This is it. I prefer to load up on my minimal gold jewelry with this (rings, bracelet, necklace, earrings) and style my hair into a loose up-do. It looks effortless but chic. The linen and cotton combo are also great for really warm weather,” writes one reviewer. “Vibrant, comfortable and quality fabric!! This dress is so pretty and flowy. It’s springtimey and summery. I’m wearing anytime the mood hits me… any season,” another reviewer shares.

Shop H&M

H&M Voluminous Linen-Blend Dress, $, available at H&M

The Go-Anywhere Dress

Plus Ruffle-Sleeve Tiered Midi Dress

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars; 2 reviews on

Do you have a long day of plans ahead of you? Maybe you have to meet a friend for breakfast, spend the day at the office, and then regroup with family for dinner. One thing for sure is that this comfortable-chic frock will suit a variety of events. “This dress is lovely and the color is accurate. I had to size down for it to fit correctly. The arms are very open so if you don’t like your arms showing wouldn’t recommend,” writes one reviewer. “This dress is very cute and comfy, though it fits large. It’s perfect for summer,” another reviewer shares.

Shop Madewell

Madewell Plus Ruffle-Sleeve Tiered Midi Dress in Daisy Stitch, $, available at Madewell

Abstract Floral Satin Slip Dress In Yellow

The Hype: 4.3 out of 5 stars; 9 reviews on

Reviewers almost unanimously agree that it’s the ultimate piece for any kind of summer, hot girl or otherwise. “Lovely fabric and super flattering. Perfect for the spring or summer,” writes one reviewer. “I love this dress, it’s perfect for summer. The fabric is beautiful and it’s my new favorite summer dress,” another reviewer shares.

Shop Topshop at Asos

Topshop Abstract Floral Satin Slip Dress In Yellow, $, available at ASOS

Aerie Floral Print Midi Slip Dress

The Perfect 10

Reviewers were evangelical in their praise for this ditsy-floral Aerie creation. It gets straight As in all subjects, from from pattern and fit to price and curb appeal.

The Hype: 4.5 out of 5 stars, 29 reviews on

What They’re Saying: “10-star dress, cut and style. Just beautiful. AE just nailed everything about this dress. Fit perfect, love the color and cut, and the price was right. Can’t wait to wear it with sneakers all summer. Need more vibrant colors.” — Jewel, reviewer

AE Floral Print Midi Slip Dress, $, available at American Eagle Outfitters

The Optimist

Kemi Maxi Dress

The Hype: 5 out of 5 stars; 1 review on

This maxi dress had customers lighting up at its festive floral print — it brings a much-needed dose of joy, along with a chic silhouette and a cool cotton weight that’s perfect for summer.

Kemi Telford Kemi Maxi Dress, $, available at Kemi Telford

Elizabeth & James Knit Dress

The Hidden Gem

We’re pretty firm believers in Kohl’s — especially as a resource for cuter-than-necessary separates from overlooked brands like LC Lauren Conrad and the Olsen twins’ contemporary label Elizabeth & James. Pieces like this chic, universally flattering midi dress are hiding in plain sight on the department store’s discount-heavy dot-com boasting piles of accolades from happy customers — who didn’t have to spend too much for their ultimate summer dress.

The Hype: 4.3 out of 5 stars; 29 reviews on

What They’re Saying: “Great quality. Just bought this in medium (I am a 10-12) and it fits perfectly, loose enough in the middle, great shape around bust and arms. Actual cotton! This will be my go-to dress with a jean jacket and sandals all summer.” — Dhebfar

Shop Elizabeth & James at Kohl’s

Elizabeth and James Knit Dress, $, available at Kohl’s

Aerie One-Shoulder Shift Dress

The Offbeat

This loosely-fitted, swingy Aerie frock has all the comfort of a house dress — but, thanks to a unique, asymmetrical hemline, still feels fresh and elegant.

The Hype: 4.5 stars; 39 reviews on
What They’re Saying: “I love this dress!! So comfortable. I wore it without a bra and it kept everything in place due to the multilayer lining. You can really wear it casual or dress up with heels. I usually wear a medium, but bought a large and it did not slip down.” — Mari2122, reviewer

AE One Shoulder Shift Dress, $, available at American Eagle Outfitters

The Prancing Through The Meadows Dress

Sunshine And Whimsy In The Garden Fit And Flare Dress

The Hype: 4 out of 5 stars; 4 reviews on

Fully embody the joyful summer air with this light and breezy mini dress. Be aware the slip is a bit tricky, however it’s removable so you can easily wear one of your own. “On a hot summer’s day, this lighter than air. It would be perfect as long as you have the slip underneath. It will be worth it to wear this whimsical array of garden flowers,” writes one reviewer who highly recommends double checking in the mirror before you leave the house because of the sheer fabric. “Love the dress and the print and it’s not too long, given I’m short and sometimes when I buy dress from Modcloth, I have to alter the length but I don’t think I will need to alter the length of the dress,” another reviewer shares.

Shop ModCloth

ModCloth Sunshine And Whimsy In The Garden Fit And Flare Dress, $, available at ModCloth

Farm Rio Flutter-Sleeved Maxi Dress

The Showstopper

This stunner is easy, breezy, and quite beautiful. The fluttery sleeves, eye-catching print, and just-right silhouette seem to make this Farm Rio pick universally flattering.

The Hype: 4.7 out of 5 stars; 3 reviews on

What They’re Saying: “I spotted this dress in store and had to have it once I tried it on! The fit is amazing and I love the fabric. As the previous reviewer says, it is sexy. It hugs the curves for sure. I couldn’t be happier!” — Bailey, Anthropologie reviewer

Shop Farm Rio

Farm Rio Flutter-Sleeved Maxi Dress, $, available at Anthropologie

The Crowd-Pleaser

Anthropologie Somerset Maxi Dress

The Hype: 4.6 out of 5 stars; 187 reviews on

This straight-A student Anthropologie stunner converted many a pants-wearer to the frock lifestyle, thanks to its flattering cut and lightweight, summer-ready fabrication.
“Want a dress that feels like your favorite pair of jeans? This is it,” writes one reviewer who would stay in it all day if she could. “The fit is perfect, if not a bit giving. The fabric is great quality, perfect transitional weather weight. I also wear with a jean jacket and it goes everywhere. My new fave, bought it in two colors and I’m not even a dress wearer.”

Shop Anthropologie

Anthropologie Somerset Maxi Dress, $, available at Anthropologie

Scoop Off-The-Shoulder Maxi Dress

The Surprise

Friends: don’t sleep on Scoop. The in-house Walmart brand — which recently tapped designer Brandon Maxwell as a creative director — offers unexpectedly high-end style paired with good, old-fashioned rollback pricing.

The Hype: 4.7 out of 5 stars; 6 reviews on

What They’re Saying: “This dress needs to be in every girl’s closet!! It’s so soft and so flowy. Flattering on every body type and the color is absolutely STUNNING – do yourself a huge favor and grab this!! You won’t be sorry!!” — Reviewer, reviewer

Shop Scoop at Walmart

Scoop Off-The-Shoulder Maxi Dress, $, available at Walmart

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

The 21 Best Plus-Size Dresses On Amazon

15 Workout Dresses For Active (& Inactive) Wear

Why I’m Only Dressing In This Happy Color

As professional online shoppers, Refinery29 affiliate writers have a *spidey* sense for the best virtual sale sections and limited-time deals. Whether it’s Lululemon’s ol’ reliable We Made Too Much sale or a flash deal on best-selling skin-care brands — where there’s a clearance rack, there’s an R29 shopping editor sizing up its price-slashed goods. And today, we present to you the best sales happening this weekend, according to us.

The best sales and/or deals must meet at least one of the following criteria: The discount is applied to a Refinery29 reader-favorite item (according to our anonymous shopping data), and it either takes a minimum of 20% off the full price or it’s an item that’s rarely discounted, making a slightly smaller price slash still notable. TL;DR: The following sales are ones to watch and worthy of a spot in all budget-friendly carts — we mean, in our opinion.

All linked products are independently selected by our editors. If you purchase any of these products, we may earn a commission.

For more can’t-miss shopping stories delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our Most Wanted newsletter.


From Sporty & Rich to Balmain, some of our favorite designers are on sale this weekend. Scroll through and you might just find your spring staple piece — we’re eyeing this Jacquemus Le Grand Bambino bag.


Jacquemus Le Chouchou ‘Le Grand Bambino’ Bag, $, available at SSENSE


Denim is always in, especially from the heritage brand Wrangler. This weekend snag a new pair of denim jeans or shorts for up to 60% off — we’re loving these high-rise shorts.

Shop Wrangler

Wrangler High Rise Denim Short, $, available at Wrangler

Albany Park

Long weekends are great for relaxing, why not relax on a new piece of Albany Park furniture that’s on sale? This weekend, score up to 35% off the R29 editor-approved furniture.

Shop Albany Park

Albany Park Lido Sofa 75″, $, available at Albany Park


Why get a supersoft Purple mattress for up to $800 off? Because you deserve it, duh! This weekend you can also get pillows, bedding, and more for up to 20% off.

Shop Purple

Purple Purple RejuvenatePlus Mattress, $, available at Purple


Shh… don’t tell anyone but Meshki has opened their sale vault and is offering 20% off sitewide for a short time! We can’t wait to scoop up gorgeous new dresses.

Shop Meshki

Meshki Nadia Maxi Satin Dress With Back Cowl, $, available at Meshki


Dog parents deserve love too — at least RifRuf thinks so, right now you can get 30% off sitewide on new accessories for your pup like these super cool kicks.

Shop Rifruf

Rifruf Caesar 1, $, available at Rifruf


Super comfy staples are a necessity, especially when they’re from an environmentally sustainable company and are on sale for up to 60% off.

Shop OGL

OGL Eco-Mousse Long-Sleeve Off-The-Shoulder Brami Top, $, available at OGL

Abercrombie & Fitch

Dig through Abercrombie & Fitch‘s clearance section this weekend to stock up on all your essentials.

Shop Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch Scoopneck Slip Midi Dress, $, available at Abercrombie & Fitch


We’re simply suckers for any sort of Madewell discount. And this weekend — when it’s offering cute spring staples like this denim maxi skirt — is no exception.

Shop Madewell

Madewell Denim Carpenter Maxi Skirt, $, available at Madewell


Often when it comes to sweatshirts, hoodies, and other loungewear, it’s hard to find the balance between comfort and style — well, we’d say we found it with this oversized cardigan (and the rest of Everlane‘s up-to-60%-off sale selection).

Shop Everlane

Everlane The Cloud Oversized Textured Cardigan, $, available at Everlane


Lululemon has perfected that balance between softness and support in its activewear — and we love it even more when they’re hiding in Lululemon’s famous We Made Too Much section.

Shop Lululemon

Lululemon Align™ Dress, $, available at Lululemon


There is never a wrong time to stock up on basics, especially when you can do so without paying full price. Take a peek at Zara‘s Special Prices section to find your next closet staple.

Shop Zara

Zara Stretch Midi Dress, $, available at Zara


Skims’ sale section is always worth checking out. According to on-site Skims reviewers, this bodysuit is “actually worth the hype.”

Shop Skims

Skims Square Neck Bodysuit, $, available at Skims

Urban Outfitters

We can safely say that scrolling through Urban Outfitters‘ sale section to see what’s new is one of our favorite weekend hobbies.

Shop Urban Outfitters

Baggu Mini Recycled Nylon Shoulder Bag, $, available at Urban Outfitters

Free People

This weekend we’ve definitely got our eye on Free People’s sale section. There’s an item to suit every taste, especially for those looking for spring wardrobe refreshes.

Shop Free People

Free People Foundation Harem Pants, $, available at Free People


Shop everyone’s favorite towel and sheet store for up to 50% off its sleep-inducing Last Call sale selection.

Shop Brooklinen

Brooklinen Heathered Cashmere Core Sheet Set, $, available at Brooklinen


Good weather has made an entrance and it’s time to get outside — what better reason to snag some new ultra-comfortable athleisure wear while it’s on sale?

Shop Vuori

Vuori Evolve Legging, $, available at Vuori


Another R29-reader go-to and one of our personal favorite stores to scroll through the sale section of: Anthropologie. This weekend you can also score up to 30% off candles, perfume, bags and more.

Shop Anthropologie

Maeve Sleeveless Sheer Floral Blouse, $, available at Anthropologie


This weekend, sex toy retailer Babeland is gifting us with up to 70% off select bestselling vibrators and toys.

Shop Babeland

The One Rabbit, $, available at Babeland

Stocking up on adorable decor has never been easier with’s sale section with items up to 50% off. Score cutesy items — like this precious printed Long Sleeve Leisure Shirt that’s currently 60% off.

Shop Long Sleeve Leisure Shirt, $, available at


Blundstones are always in style in our book. Luckily, this weekend you can score select shoes for 25% off.

Shop Blundstone

Blundstone #2144 Women’s Active Chelsea Boot, $, available at Blundstone

Outdoor Voices

Give in to the tennis-core aesthetic with Outdoor Voices’ sale selection — including this OV Court Dress.

Shop Outdoor Voices

Outdoor Voices Court Dress, $, available at Outdoor Voices

Wet For Her

What is a weekend sale roundup without a sale on some of the best lesbian sex toys? This weekend, score up to 40% off toys during Wet For Her’s Sale.

Shop Wet For Her

Wet For Her Bunny Silicone Rechargeable Vibrator, $, available at Wet For Her


What could possibly be better than beautiful new Revolve outfits decorating our closets? Buying them on sale, of course. Scour the sale section for some gems at this reader-favorite brand.

Shop Revolve

NBD Pari Mini Dress, $, available at Revolve


Hey picnic lovers! Just in time for summer, Firstleaf is offering a special deal. You can get six bottles of wine for $44.95, or twelve bottles for $89.99 plus six months of free shipping with code SUNSHINE24.

Shop Firstleaf

Firstleaf 6 Wine Bottle Deal, $, available at Firstleaf


There’s a reason Chewy is a fan favorite among pet parents: The pet retailer has some awesome prices and deals. And this weekend’s sale means you can score a discount on hundreds of items, such as this super-cute pickle toy.

Shop Chewy

Catstages Crunchy Pickle Kicker Plush Cat Toy with Catnip, $, available at Chewy


If there’s one thing we can count on, it’s preppy retailer and reader-favorite J.Crew running a super sale. This weekend, get up to 60% additional off sale styles with code SHOPSALE.

Shop J.Crew

J.Crew Scoopneck Linen-Blend Vest, $, available at J.Crew

Our Place

What better time to start your cooking journey than now. With Our Place‘s biggest sale of the season you can score up to 40% off select products. The Always Pan, a nonstick, oven-safe pan that does the work of 10 pieces of traditional cookware is a great place for beginning chefs.

Shop Our Place

Our Place Always Pan® 2.0, $, available at Our Place


Speaking of spring cleaning, are you on the hunt for new office equipment? This weekend score Flexispot standing desks, office chairs, and more for up to 50% off.

Shop Flexispot

Flexispot E7 Pro Premium Standing Desk, $, available at Flexispot

Farm Rio

It’s always a sunny day in our books when Farm Rio has new things on sale — how could you not crack a smile with the bold prints and bright colors! New shoppers can also score 15% off first purchase with code WELCOME15.

Shop Farm Rio

Farm Rio Pink Croco Short Sleeve Maxi Dress, $, available at Farm Rio

Loeffler Randall

Stock up on dreamy dresses, coquette accessories, and chic handbags during Loeffler Randall’s up-to-60% off sale.

Shop Loeffler Randall

Loeffler Randall Rochelle Blue Mini Bow Clutch, $, available at Loeffler Randall

Cozy Earth

Cozy up in bed with everything from new cooling sheets to ultra-soft pajama sets because Cozy Earth gifted us up to 30% off sitewide.

Shop Cozy Earth

Cozy Earth Bamboo Sheet Set, $, available at Cozy Earth

Mansur Gavriel

Mother’s Day is coming up and Mansur Gavriel has your back with a sale. Shop a curated selection of gifts for 30% off with code ENJOY.

Shop Mansur Gavriel

Mansur Gavriel Tulipano Bag, $, available at Mansur Gavriel


Just in time for Mother’s Day, Juliet is having a wine sale offering 20% off two or more units with code MAMA20.

Shop Juliet

Drink Juliet Two Wine Mother’s Day Promotion, $, available at Drink Juliet

Makeup By Mario

Makeup By Mario on sale? Yes please! This weekend, score 25% off sitewide on all your favorite glam.

Shop Makeup By Mario

Makeup By Mario SoftSculpt® Shaping Stick, $, available at Makeup By Mario


Wayfair always has out-of-this-world sales, but this weekend starting on Saturday, the biggest sale of the year is here: Way Day! Whether you’re shopping for decor or furniture, now is the time to rack up major savings on all your favorite home bits and bobs.

Shop Wayfair

Etta Avenue Clio Task Chair, $, available at Wayfair

Pistola Denim

We sure do feel like friends and family of Pistola Denim with the 20% off sitewide Friends & Family sale. Time to grab a new Canadian tuxedo!

Shop Pistola Denim

Pistola Connor High Rise Relaxed Short, $, available at Pistola

Edie Parker

Light up every room you enter with this chic clutch with an integrated retractable lighter holster that you can score for 25% off during the 420 sale. Be sure to check out Edie Parker’s select other goodies on sale like this Sock Coin Purse.

Shop Edie Parker

Edie Parker Burn Clutch, $, available at Edie Parker


Climbing into bed just got even more luxurious with Sleeper’s sale section selection now an additional 25% off.

Shop Sleeper

Sleeper Knitted Cardigan with Detachable Feathers, $, available at Sleeper


During Sephora’s Oh Hair Yeah save up to 50% on select hair care with new deals dropping daily. Plus, for a limited time Beauty Insiders can get free same-day delivery with code YAYSAMEDAY.

Shop Sephora

Bumble and bumble Heat Shield Thermal Protection Hair Mist, $, available at Sephora


During the exciting Fragrance For All Event, Beauty Insiders can enjoy 20% off full-size fragrances with code FRAGRANCE20 from now until December 24.

Shop Sephora

Maison Margiela ‘REPLICA’ By the Fireplace, $, available at Sephora

Charles & Keith

Celeb-favorite brand Charles & Keith is having an end-of-season sale with styles up to 50% off — plus score an additional 10% off with code APRFLASH10.

Shop Charles & Keith

Charles & Keith Mini Buzz Hobo Bag, $, available at Charles & Keith

Hanky Panky

In the market for a new pair of briefs and already a Hanky Panky rewards member (or are willing to join)? You’re in luck because Hanky Panky’s legendary underwear is up to 30% off for members with code FFSPRING24.

Shop Hanky Panky

Hanky Panky Signature Lace Original Rise Thong Black, $, available at Hanky Panky


Bring sexy back with Etam’s Spring Sale. This weekend, score lingerie, apparel, and more for up to 50% off.

Shop Etam

Etam Bra No. 4 – Lightly Lined Demi Bra, $, available at Etam

Rolla’s Jeans

Time to add some color to your denim wardrobe choices, what better way to do that than Rolla’s sale section with styles up to 70% off.

Shop Rolla’s Jeans

Rollas Jeans Original Straight, $, available at Rollas Jeans

Case Mate

Spring has sprung and it’s time to refresh your phone case for the new season. This weekend you can score phone cases for 40% off with code CASE40.

Shop Case Mate

Case Mate Twinkle Disco MagSafe, $, available at Case Mate

Stuart Weitzman

We are big believers in getting ourselves treats, especially when it’s finely crafted footwear. For a limited time take 25% off select styles with code SPRING25.

Shop Stuart Weitzman

Stuart Weitzman Cayman 35 Block Slide, $, available at Stuart Weitzman


Birthday celebrations are always a good time — especially when you can get 30% off award-winning haircare products from R+Co with code CELEBRATE.

Shop R+Co

R+Co Hot Spell Thermotech Blow Out Balm, $, available at R+Co


Staud is having a sample sale, I repeat Staud is having a sample sale! For a limited time, shop it for up to 75% off items. If you’re doing a whole haul, score 20% off $250 with code SAVE20 and 30% off $350 with code SAVE30.

Shop Staud

Staud Alita Tunic Sea Stripe, $, available at Staud


New season means new jewelry, right? Well, you’re in luck as Studs is having a spring sale where you can get an extra 20% off sitewide and 25% off for orders $100+.

Shop Studs

Studs CZ Helix Huggie, $, available at Studs


Here at Refinery29, we are big animal people, we love celebrating our furry friends whenever possible. Staud is showing its love and celebrating this weekend with 20% off Staud Pet with code PET20.

Shop Staud

Staud Custom Moon Bag Tan, $, available at Staud


The limit simply does not exist when it comes to Amazon deals. Whether it’s the viral damp duster or just about anything else, expect the mass e-retailer to have it at a discount. This weekend shop the Big Spring Sale for hundreds of items on sale!

Shop Amazon

Jeymei 4-Pack Damp Clean Duster Sponge, $, available at Amazon


For a short time, everyone’s favorite towel and sheet store is having a 10th anniversary sale where you can celebrate with 25% off sitewide or up to 45% off a dream-worthy bundle.

Shop Brooklinen

Brooklinen Classic Percale Hardcore Sheet Bundle, $, available at Brooklinen


I see, you see, we both see SeaVees on sale! Step into this season with a comfy new pair of shoes that’ll make your dogs, heart, and pocketbook feel good. We love an environmentally conscious company with a sale.

Shop SeaVees

SeaVees Royal Runner, $, available at SeaVees

Lo & Sons

We recommend not making brand-new travel plans without a new travel bag to go with them. This reader-beloved brand has up to 40% off select items.

Shop Lo & Sons

Lo & Sons O.G. 2, $, available at Lo & Sons

Hydro Flask

Hydro Flask is encouraging you to stay happy, healthy, and hydrated this season with select hydration accessories up to 40% off.

Shop Hydro Flask

Hydro Flask 40 oz Wide Mouth, $, available at Hydro Flask


Shop everyone’s favorite towel and sheet store for up to 75% off its sleep-inducing sale selection. And, this Presidents Day Weekend you can shop sitewide for 20% off.

Shop Brooklinen

Brooklinen Classic Percale Flat Sheet, $, available at Brooklinen

Jenni Kayne

Spring has sprung and so have sales! This weekend score select items from reader-favorite cozy brand Jenni Kayne for 40% off with code SPRING40.

Shop Jenni Kayne

Jenni Kayne Classic Mockneck Pullover, $, available at Jenni Kayne


Diamonds are our best friends — especially when we can buy them for a reduced price. This weekend, score 15% off diamonds from Mejuri during the Diamond Week Sale.

Shop Mejuri

Mejuri Diamond Letter Bracelet, $, available at Mejuri


One can never have enough kitchen appliances, and Ninja makes it that much easier with up to 31% off select products.

Shop Ninja

Ninja Ninja® CREAMi® Deluxe, $, available at Ninja

Rag & Bone

Spring has sprung and with it comes a friends and family sale for 25% off sitewide at Rag & Bone. What a lovely way to welcome the warmer weather.

Shop Rag & Bone

rag & bone Sofie Full Length Wide-Leg, $, available at rag & bone

Porter Road

This weekend score select cuts for a discounted price for the Spring Stock Up Sale.

Shop Porter Road

Porter Road Denver Steak, $, available at Porter Road


It’s never a bad time to add some cute accessories to your outfit – especially when you can do so at a discount! This weekend take 25% off sitewide and 20% off custom products.

Shop BaubleBar

BaubleBar Bubble Custom Slider Bracelet, $, available at BaubleBar

Kylie Cosmetics

Beauty doesn’t have to be pain for your wallet — this weekend shop King Kylie’s cult beauty line for 25% off sitewide.

Shop Kylie Cosmetics

Kylie Cosmetics Tinted Butter Balm, $, available at Kylie Cosmetics

We Wore What

The limit simply does not exist when it comes to Amazon deals. Whether it’s the viral damp duster or just about anything else, expect the mass e-retailer to have it at a discount. This weekend shop the Big Spring Sale for 100s of items on sale!

Shop We Wore What

Jeymei 4-Pack Damp Clean Duster Sponge, $, available at Amazon

Jane Iredale

Look no further than Jane Iredale’s Last Chance section for new makeup that’s to 30% off.

Shop Jane Iredale

Jane Iredale Triple Luxe™ Long Lasting Naturally Moist Lipstick, $, available at Jane Iredale


Everybody poops, it’s just a fact — why not do it in luxury? Even better, at a discount. This weekend score select Tushy products on sale, like this Electric Bidet Seat or this squatting stool.

Shop Tushy on Amazon

Tushy Ace Electric Bidet Seat, $, available at Amazon

Draper James

It’s Reese Witherspoon’s birthday and we’ll dance if we want to — or in this case shop if we want to! For everyone’s favorite actresses’ special day she’s providing 30% off sitewide this weekend with code: CELEBRATE.

Shop Draper James

Draper James Carrie Midi Dress, $, available at Draper James

Good American

Treat yourself to some new duds this season — plus, take 25% off sitewide with code SAVE25.

Shop Good American

Good American Good Legs Skinny Cropped Jeans, $, available at Good American


Didn’t you hear? Canadian tuxedos are in — and there’s no better time to stock up on the R29 editor-approved denim than a sale for 25% off sitewide.

Shop Frame

Frame Le Easy Flare, $, available at Frame

IGK Hair

Look no further than IGK for some new products to perfect that ‘do. This weekend you can save 25% sitewide with code EXTRAEXTRA.

Shop IGK Hair

IGK Good Behavior Smoothing Spray, $, available at IGK


The limit simply does not exist when it comes to Amazon deals. Whether it’s a cozy vanity chair or just about anything else, expect the mass e-retailer to have it at a discount.

Shop Amazon

Yaheetech Modern Side Chair, $, available at Amazon


Ettitude is helping you stock up on snooze supplies with 20% off sitewide.

Shop Ettitude

Ettitude Sateen+ Duvet Cover, $, available at Ettitude


Start your relaxing weekend with brand-new, organic bedding and clothing from Pact — now up to 25% off. While you’re browsing, use code WARMUP this weekend for 15% off all orders, 20% off $150+, and 25% off $250+ orders.

Shop Pact

PACT Organic Cool-Air Percale Pillowcase 2-Pack, $, available at PACT

Grace Karin

Be the belle of the ball wherever you are in an elegant Grace Karin cocktail dress – that just so happens to be 20% off right now.

Shop Grace Karin on Amazon

Grace Karin One Shoulder Cocktail Dress, $, available at Amazon

FP Movement

We’re always in the market for some new activewear. Lucky for you, this weekend FP Movement is offering 50% off select products in pink. Love feeling pretty in pink!

Shop FP Movement

FP Movement Pippa Packable Puffer Jacket, $, available at Free People


Be like Gwen, shop at goop. This weekend, Gwyneth Paltrow’s modern lifestyle company goop is offering 25% off select beauty and wellness products with code glowy.

Shop Goop

goop All-in-One Super Nutrient Face Oil, $, available at goop


Got travel plans? We’ve got a deal for you! Monos is currently offering to deck you out with their sleek suitcases for up to 25% off sitewide with code PRESIDENT.

Shop Monos

Monos Carry-On Pro, $, available at Monos


The days of spending upward of $100 on a good vibrator are long over — especially when select Lovehoney toys are up to 50% off. We can’t wait to grab the Womanizer Starlet raved about by our very own sexual health and wellness writer, Charlotte Lewis.

Shop Lovehoney

Womanizer Starlet Clitoral Stimulator, $, available at Lovehoney

Ulta Beauty

Blow away the stress of the workweek with Ulta’s Love Your Skin Event with daily deals of up to 50% off makeup and more until January 20.

Shop Ulta Beauty

VERB Ghost Conditioner, $, available at Ulta Beauty


Wake up, sunshine! Buffy is having a Valentine’s Day sale with everything up to 30% off and free shipping. A good night’s sleep is only a click away.

Shop Buffy

Buffy Breeze Sheet Set, $, available at Buffy

Saks Off 5th

We’re feeling like friends and family, thanks to Saks Off 5th’s end-of-season sale that has items up to 80% off. You can also score free shipping on orders over $99 with code SHIPSO5.

Shop Saks Off 5th

Calvin Klein Faux Leather Open Front Jacket, $, available at Saks OFF 5TH

Pink Moon

Add some self-care into your daily routine with Pink Moon’s wellness products. Better yet, this weekend save 35% sitewide with code BIGMOVES – talk about benefits.

Shop Pink Moon

Pink Moon Over the Moon Gua Sha Duo, $, available at Pink Moon

Nordstrom Rack

Who doesn’t love a good sale? Nordstrom Rack has some great steals, such as Dyson products starting at $200. Psst, there are lots of other deals from Nordstrom Rack to check out as well — the more the merrier!

Shop Nordstrom Rack

Dyson Corrale™ Straightener Black Nickel/Fuchsia – Refurbishe, $, available at Nordstrom Rack

I Dew Care

Score some vegan and cruelty-free K skin care at a discount this weekend with I Dew Care’s Galentine’s Day sale. Everything is 25% off.

Shop I Dew Care

I Dew Care Disco Kitten Peel-Off Mask, $, available at I Dew Care

Birthdate Co.

No matter the occasion, there’s nothing like a personalized gift, especially if it’s in the form of a custom birth date candle or necklace — that also happens to be on sale.

Shop Birthdate Co.

Birthdate Co. Birthdate Pendant, $, available at Birthdate Co.

Kate Spade Outlet

In the market for a hot new handbag to accompany your ‘fit? Look no further than Kate Spade Outlet, get up to 60% off everything and an additional 20% off clearance items.

Shop Kate Spade Outlet

Kate Spade Madison Mini Camera Bag, $, available at Kate Spade Outlet


LELO’s very luxe vibrators are up to 50% off for love month, making this the perfect time to splurge on a special something for you or your partner. (Plus, all orders above $189 come with a free MIA 2 lipstick vibrator.)


LELO Sona 2 Cruise, $, available at LELO


It’s not every day that this happens, but lucky for you, luxury footwear is now within reach with Nomasei’s up-to-50% off sale on select items. Also, you can enjoy up to 10% off your order with code bienvenue.

Shop Nomasei

Nomasei Twist Boots, $, available at Nomasei

Adam & Eve

Can you feel the love in the air? We sure can with Adam & Eve’s Cupid’s Last Call sale where you get 50% off one item with code BONUS50.

Shop Adam & Eve

Adam & Eve Cage Lace Bra And Garter Set, $, available at Adam & Eve


What’s better than one pair of compression socks? One pair of compression socks that’s 25% off. Make sure to enter code LOVE25 at checkout to apply the discount.

Shop Comrad

Comrad Knee-High Compression Socks, $, available at Comrad

Abercrombie & Fitch

Right now Abercrombie & Fitch has up to 40% off select styles plus an additional 20% off select items. We recommend stocking up on essentials, such as these vegan leather pants, before the markdowns disappear.

Shop Abercrombie & Fitch

Abercrombie & Fitch Curve Love Vegan Leather Ankle Straight Pant, $, available at Abercrombie & Fitch

Ring Concierge

Diamonds (and most jewelry) are a girl’s best friend – and so are sales. This weekend take 20% off sitewide so you and your bestie can snag some bling.

Shop Ring Concierge

Ring Concierge Mini Diamond Tennis Bracelet, $, available at Ring Concierge


Time to treat yourself to some luxe bath products with Sabon’s up to 50% off sale.

Shop Sabon

Sabon Sublime 3 in 1 Hair Mask, $, available at Sabon


One can never have enough cleaning appliances, and Shark makes it that much easier with up to 50% off select products, including cleaning and editor-favorite hair appliances. Plus score 10% off accessories with code DEC10.

Shop Shark

Shark Cordless Detect Pro™ Auto-Empty System, $, available at Shark


Wearing designer duds on a budget has never been easier with Matches’ sale selection. Find all types of designers from Staud to Balmain. Plus score 20% off with code FORYOU20.

Shop Matches

Frame Le Baggy Wide-Leg Jeans, $, available at Matches

Saks Fifth Avenue

We sure do feel special with up to 70% off Saks Fifth Avenue’s Designer Sale.

Shop Saks Fifth Avenue

SAM. Liv Belted Puffer Jacket, $, available at Saks Fifth Avenue


Give yourself the gift of self-love with Dame’s Valentine’s Day sale, and score 20% off sitewide with code VDAY20 — like on this editor-loved Dip vibrator.

Shop Dame

Dame Dip Vibrator, $, available at Dame


Wayfair always has insane sales, and right now, The Big Holiday Sale is going on, which includes up to 70% off area rugs, wall art, bedding, and more.

Shop Wayfair

Charlton Home Darcelle Turkish Cotton Bath Towels, $, available at Wayfair


If there was ever a perfect time to buy new home decor, it would be now. We love the idea of getting a chic new rug to spruce up your space for up to 50% off.

Shop Armadillo

Armadillo Braid Nook, $, available at Armadillo


re add when pays more comission
Sit back and relax with these ultra-soft, top-rated Aerie leggings — especially, because they ( and bras, sweatshirts and more are up to 70% off.

Shop Aerie

OFFLINE by Aerie Goals Ribbed Legging, $, available at Aerie

Lime Crime

Lime Crime, the pigmented and colorful makeup brand, is hosting a big beauty sale with 50% off bundles, which make perfect gifts.

Shop Lime Crime

Lime Crime Venus XL 2 Eye and Face Palette, $, available at Lime Crime

Awe Inspired

Whether you’re especially feeling the moon cycle or you’re simply hoping to add a beautiful new addition to your jewelry collection, this jewelry brand (and its sale section) is perfect. Right now, Awe Inspired is offering 30% off sitewide for Black Friday, with an additional 40% off orders over $400 with code AWEBF.

Shop Awe Inspired

Awe Inspired Crystal Quartz Huggies, $, available at Awe Inspired


Skims’ famous bi-annual sale is happening right this moment. Time to scoop up some of the brand’s best-selling lounge wear, intimates, and more.

Shop Skims

Skims Seamless Sculpt Brief Bodysuit, $, available at Skims


Set the table right with Food52’s sale section’s new arrivals, like this elegant Le Creuset cast-iron skillet for just under $100.

Shop Food52

Le Creuset Classic Enameled Cast-Iron Skillet, 9″, $, available at Food52


Nothing hits quite like a new skincare tool and an up-to-50%-off sale on top-rated skin-care products at SkinStore.

Shop SkinStore

Foreo LUNA, $, available at SkinStore

The Row


Up to 50% off a selection of men’s and women’s ready-to-wear and accessories

Shop The Row

Farmacy Beauty

Maybe something hydrating and natural is more your style? Luckily, Farmacy Beauty is celebrating its birthday with 20% off sitewide when you enter the code BIRTHDAY.

Shop Farmacy Beauty

Farmacy HONEY HALO ceramide face moisturizer, $, available at Farmacy Beauty

Vince Camuto

Is it really fall if we don’t have a new pair of boots in our arsenal? Especially when they’re Vince Camuto and they’re on sale for 25% off with code FALLBFF.

Shop Vince Camuto

Vince Camuto Evronna Boot, $, available at Vince Camuto


Do you hear the wedding bells? If so, Minted is here to help you plan your special day. This weekend, you can save 25% off Save The Dates and engagement announcements with code ENGAGED25.

Shop Minted

Cass Loh Ribbon Bow Drawing, $, available at Minted


It’s always a good day when a reader-and-editor-favorite vibrator is on sale for under $100 — and for a limited time, get up to 60% off a selection of LELO’s toys and score a free LELO™ Liquid Lipstick for purchases over $159.

Shop Lelo

LELO SONA™ 2, $, available at LELO

Cole Haan

Are you into chic sneakers? Lucky for you, Cole Haan’s is offering up to 50% off select almost everything until November 26.

Shop Cole Haan

Cole Haan GrandPrø Wellesley Sneaker, $, available at Cole Haan


Interested in making your sleep better? One thing that is guaranteed to work is getting a new mattress. Might seem extreme, but when Saatva is running a $400 off $1,000 sale, it’s definitely worth it.

Shop Saatva

Saatva Classic Mattress, $, available at Saatva


In the market for a new mattress? You’re in luck because there’s a deal on the Nectar Memory Foam Mattress. With no promo code, get 33% off all mattresses.

Shop Nectar

Nectar Memory Foam Mattress, $, available at Nectar


While the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale has ended, the retailer’s Black Friday sale has just begun. Everything from cult-favorite fall kicks to beloved beauty buys are going for way less than their MSRP. Our personal pick: this delectable pair of Mary Jane heels.

Shop Nordstrom

Naturalizer Talissa Platform Pump, $, available at Nordstrom


Whether you’re shopping for fall or you’re a true OG Hollister fan, this sale event will surely pique your interest: You can get up to 50% off select styles with code HCOMYSTERY.

Shop Hollister

Hollister Ultra High-Rise Logo Waist Fleece Dad Joggers, $, available at Hollister


We tested the promo code and, yes, the rumors are true: From now until August 31, score Refinery29 readers’ favorite summer travel bag for 10% off with promo code FALLFRESH. It’s not the steepest of discounts but a rare one nonetheless.

Shop Solgaard

Solgaard Carry-On Closet, $, available at Solgaard

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

The 21 Best Free People Sale Styles For Under $100

Top Spring Clothes & Accessories For 2024

Spring Must-Have: The Patchwork Denim Jacket